Part 6 (Chanyeol's POV)

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Chanyeol was miserable. It had been a week since he spent half of the night crying outside of your door. That night was a bad one for him, and he wanted to forget it had ever happened, but he knew he deserved the pain he was feeling. When he had finally picked himself up off the floor and made his way home, Daeun had been worried sick about him.

"Chanyeol! You've been gone for hours! Where were you... Have you been crying? Are you okay?"

He couldn't respond to her, so he just stared numbly at the floor. It went on long enough that she pulled him into his apartment and held him until he fell asleep. She kept apologizing, saying she knew how hard it was to lose a friendship but that it would be better this way. The more she talked, the more Chanyeol wanted to cover his ears and tell her to go away. Rationally, he knew this would be better for the two of them, but his heart was trying to crawl out of his chest and leave him behind. It was over the pain he was causing himself.

The next few days after that night had been a blur. Chanyeol didn't care to leave the house, and he turned off his phone. He just didn't want to associate with anyone for a while. That worked until he heard banging on his door. The banging continued to the point that Chanyeol left the couch, for the first time in hours, and opened the door. On the other side of it was a very pissed off maknae, and Chanyeol knew he was in for it.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing, Chanyeol?"

Chanyeol didn't even care enough to correct him. He deserved whatever Sehun was going to say, so he didn't respond and instead just looked at the man before him. Sehun must've gotten a good look at Chanyeol's appearance because he suddenly sighed and let some of his anger go away.

"Why are you doing this to her? To yourself?"

"I don't know what I'm doing anymore, Sehun." He sounded so broken and dull, so unlike the self he was used to.

"Daeun asked you to do this?" Chanyeol nodded, not having the energy to respond out loud.

"What do you want, hyung?" Sehun gestured for the two of them to go sit down. Chanyeol moved out of the way and followed the younger man to his couch.

"I want her, Sehun, and I hate myself for it. Daeun is the one I should be fighting for, not Y/N."

"Why are you even with Daeun if you feel this way? Why did you give up the chance to be with Y/N?"

He looked at the younger man, seeing genuine concern on his face. He understood why Sehun was upset. Sehun always saw you as an older sister, and when one of the boys tried to pick on you, he was the first one to your defense every time. He loved you and wanted nothing but the best for you.

"I do care for Daeun, but I care about Y/N more, and I shouldn't. I'm not good enough for her, Sehun. She deserves to be with someone better."

Sehun looked at him like he was stupid. "Like who? Who would be better for her than you? Yes, you messed up, but everyone does."

He sighed. "I don't know. All I know is that I need to do what I can to make Daeun happy right now. I can't lose her too."

After that night, Junmyeon texted him to remind him about family game night, which required everyone's attendance, no matter what. Chanyeol started to feel less and less welcome when it came to the members. Some of them not happy about how he was handling the situation with you. As the leader, it was Junmyeon's job to make sure EXO ran smoothly and that any internal fights were worked out before the fans caught on. There was no way Chanyeol was getting out of it.

When he got to the dorm, he stuck around Kyungsoo, Minseok, and Jongdae, since they knew the least about the relationship between the two of you. The three could sense the tension between him and the rest of the boys, though, and they wanted whatever it was to be worked out.

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