Part 7

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A few days had gone by since Chanyeol dropped a bombshell on you. Since that night, he has made zero attempts to contact you, which irritated you more than you could imagine. Who just tells someone they love them and then pretends it never happened? You felt like you were losing your damn mind with all of this back and forth.

Originally, you thought that maybe he was just drunk and embarrassed about what happened, but it wasn't until you had lunch with Yixing that you found out that wasn't the case.

"He did what?!"

Yixing nods. "He tried to punch Baekhyun."

You stare at the man who was sitting across from you in disbelief. His every word blowing your mind more and more. "I can't believe this... Why?"

Yixing looks at you with sad eyes. "Chanyeol was really pissed off that you left with Baekhyun that night. He was going on about how he admitted his feelings to you, and you still left with Baek, and how Baekhyun has feelings for you. Then, he tried to punch him. Minseok and Jongin stopped him."

You put your head in your hands and groan. "Oh my god... I can't believe this is happening."

"It got worse when Baekhyun brought up Daeun. I think his exact words were, 'Don't forget, you already have a girlfriend, and it's not Y/N.'"

You look up at Yixing with wide eyes. He shrugs at you and takes a sip of his tea.

After Yixing had blown your mind at lunch, you decided to lay low in your apartment for a few more days. It had been quiet. Your phone eerily silent, which you were happy about for once. You couldn't understand what the heck was going on in Chanyeol's mind. Why try to punch Baekhyun? And what did he mean when he said Baek liked you? Why was he even getting mad in the first place? He's with Daeun for crying out loud!

All of this was making you stressed out, and you had always liked to snack when you were stressed out. Getting up from the couch, you head to the kitchen to grab something to munch on, but as soon as you walk into the kitchen, your phone starts ringing.

You stop walking and slowly turn around. You stare at your phone, which was sitting on the coffee table until it eventually stopped ringing. Of course, someone would call you the second you don't want them to. It was like Murphy's Law or something.

You continue grabbing a snack and head back to the couch. When you are mid-plop, your phone starts to ring again. Sighing, you pick it up and stare at the unknown number. No matter how much you wanted to, you couldn't ignore it, in case it was an emergency. You sigh again before finally answering it.

"Y/N?" It was a female voice. Not one you instantly recognized, but it did sound familiar to you.

"Yes, who is this?"

It was quiet for a moment, like the person on the other end wasn't sure if they were going to continue on with the conversation.

"It's Daeun."

A pit immediately formed in your stomach. Daeun? What the hell was Daeun calling you for, and how the heck did she even get your number? "Oh... Hi Daeun, what's up?"

"I know this is random, but I was wondering if we could meet up and talk?"

"Talk? About what?"


Ah. There it is. You didn't know why you even bother to ask. What else would the two of you have to talk about? "Yeah, okay. When were you thinking?"

"Is in an hour okay? At that café by Chan's?"

"Yeah, I'll be there."

You hang up the phone and stare at it. Whaaaat theeee heck? What did she want to say? Was she going to tell you to stay away from Chanyeol herself? Did she know about the fight between the guys? Your mind was racing, and your stomach started to get that butterfly feeling.

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