Part 8 (Baekhyun's POV)

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Baekhyun was confused and stuck in between a rock and a hard place. He liked you, but he knew he shouldn't. Whatever was going on between you and Chanyeol had started long before he developed any feelings towards you. You had always been one of his closest best friends. He always thought of you as more of a sister, and he had no idea when that changed.

Chanyeol, on the other hand, was his brother, and he knew Chanyeol liked you. There was even a time when Chan had told Baekhyun that he loved you, so it severely confused Baekhyun when Daeun entered the picture. Baekhyun had no idea what had happened, but something changed in Chanyeol when they went on tour, and ever since, his friend had been having a rough time.

He was either fighting with the members or you, which was so unlike Chanyeol that Baekhyun was really worried about him. He thought that after they had their conversation, Chanyeol had figured something out. He seemed like he had an idea of what he was going to do, but then Daeun broke up with him, and Chanyeol freaked out on you. That was another thing that confused Baekhyun.

Baekhyun didn't want to betray his brother, but he felt like Chanyeol no longer deserved to be with you. He hadn't been treating you well for months now, and Baekhyun didn't feel as guilty for having feelings towards you. Maybe he could have a chance with you...

While they were having their mini celebration party, Baekhyun had pretty much spent most of his time with you. You were fun to be around, but he wasn't stupid. He noticed you glancing over at Chanyeol multiple times. Waiting to see if he would come talk to you.

What you didn't notice, and Baekhyun had no intention of pointing it out, was that Chanyeol had his eyes practically glued to you, until you would glance at him. Chanyeol had always been an expert at watching you without your knowledge. He had been doing it for years.

Throughout the night, Baekhyun had been keeping a close eye on Chanyeol. He had noticed how many drinks his friend was having and was hoping he would stop soon. Baekhyun had literally lost count of how many drinks Chanyeol had downed, and he sadly watched as Chanyeol's eyelids continued to slide lower and lower.

When everyone was sitting at the table hanging out, Chanyeol kept making little digs at you, growing bolder and bolder with each drink. You were taking it in stride, being ridiculously understanding. Way more understanding than Baekhyun would've been. With each remark, the members were growing more anxious, knowing that lines were going to be crossed tonight, but hoping that maybe Chanyeol would pass out instead.

That was until one especially rude comment was made about you, and Junmyeon had enough. Attempting to scold Chanyeol had proved pointless, though, because Chanyeol had then turned on their leader and eventually Sehun too.

Baekhyun watched with profound sadness. He wanted to help his friend, but all of his friends were being hurt at this point. Just when Baekhyun was going to attempt to get Chanyeol to go to sleep, you tried to get Chanyeol to leave his members alone. It worked great for them but terrible for you.

"You're right. How about you get the fuck out of our dorm? That would make everything a lot better."

Baekhyun froze at Chanyeol's words. He never, in a million years, pictured hearing those words come out of his mouth. It was like everything came to a stop. The members all collectively held their breaths until some sense came into Minseok, and he yelled at the younger man.

Baekhyun, now worried about you, turned to watch your face. You were trying to hold it in up until that point, but that was it for you. You were going to let Chanyeol have a piece of your mind, and it was exactly what the asshole deserved at the moment.

"You know what, Chanyeol? I didn't say shit to Daeun. I told her not to break up with you. It was because of what you told me outside that she dumped you. So, quit trying to put all of your fucking problems on me." You stood up. "God, Chanyeol. What happened to you? When did you become this person? I hate him." You grabbed your stuff and walked out of the dorm.

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