Part 8 (Chanyeol's POV)

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Chanyeol had gone a week without talking to you or Daeun, and he was kind of proud of himself for it. He decided to spend most of his time with the members or by himself, and it felt really good. He didn't remember the last time he had a moment to be by himself, and it turned out to be exactly what he needed. Getting away from you and Daeun allowed him to try to figure out what he wanted, and time to think about the mistakes he has made.

He needed to call Daeun and talk about why she broke up with him. He had to know what the two of you talked about, but she wasn't answering his phone calls, which made him frustrated all over again. Logically, he knew you probably didn't say anything to make Daeun break up with him, but he needed to hear what she had to say, and until then, he was going to stay away from you. That sounded good, in theory.

EXO had broken a major record, and the guys wanted to have a mini get-together with some close friends. Chanyeol knew you would be there, and he decided he would try to keep his distance, but he knew the exact moment you walked in... like there was a magnetic pull between the two of you. When he saw you by the door with Jia, he tried to ignore you, but you caught him staring at you almost immediately. He spun around and put his back towards you, so he wouldn't make that mistake again, but he did multiple times throughout the night.

Chanyeol was bored during the party. He usually hung out with you whenever they had these types of gatherings, but he was determined to get some space from you. To keep his mind occupied, he kept making himself different alcoholic drinks, experimenting with whatever was in the dorm. His eyes kept wandering over to you, and it was irritating him. Why couldn't he ignore you whenever you were in the same room as him? And who gave you the right to look so damn good?

He appreciated the way the red dress curved your body, and he definitely appreciated the length of it. Short enough to catch attention, but not short enough to get called out on it. You had on the same little gold necklace that you always wore. You wore it nearly every day, and Chanyeol wondered if you remembered that he was the one who gave it to you for your birthday 5 years back.

He snapped himself out of his thoughts, noticing the people from work leaving. How long had he been sitting there thinking about you? Damn it, he wasn't supposed to be thinking about you.

For the past hour, he had been doing a great job of ignoring you because he had been in his own world. A world that was becoming more and more blurred by the second. Why was the room getting fuzzy, and why was his mouth so dry? He brought his drink up to his mouth to wet his lips and recognized the bitter taste of alcohol. Oh yeah, that's why.

For the next half an hour, he casually watched you interact with the other members. It was so easy with them... They made you laugh until you couldn't breathe and made you smile so wide, he knew your cheeks had to be hurting. Why wasn't it that easy for him anymore? Why had he been so stupid?

He sat there, watching blurred versions of you and Baekhyun laughing together. He watched as Baekhyun put his hand on the small of your back and how he kept pulling you closer to him. Why were you letting him do that? Did you finally realize that you might have feelings for Baekhyun? Did you decide that you wanted to try things out with him instead?

Chanyeol was making himself angrier with each passing moment. Maybe the alcohol had something to do with it (of course it did, it always does), and he was also starting to feel hot all over. He wanted your attention, but at the same time, he didn't want your attention, and it confused him and gave him a headache.

After that, Chanyeol didn't remember much. He remembered everyone making a toast (kind of), and he remembered everyone sitting at the table. He vaguely remembered you touching Sehun's hand and putting your hand on Baekhyun's shoulder, and then he remembered anger. Why was he angry?

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