Part 6

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You spent two days sulking in your apartment, and it would've been longer had it not been for Jia. At the end of day two, she had come over and threatened your life if you didn't leave that apartment. So, here you were, at a small, quiet restaurant with Yixing, Baekhyun, Sehun, and Junmyeon. You figured if you dealt with all of them at once, they'd leave you alone for a few days. As a bonus, it would also get Jia off your back.

"Y/N, are you even listening to me?"

You sigh. "Sorry Sehun, what were you talking about?" You look at the boy sitting across from you and attempt to pay attention to the conversation. Sehun just stared at you, trying to decide if he was going to be offended or worried.

After a moment, he leans back and says, "Okay, what's going on with you?"


Yixing pipes up from your left. "You never were good at lying..."

"You've been quiet since we got here, and we've hardly heard from you..." Junmyeon decides to add to the conversation.

It was Baekhyun who brought up the elephant in the room. The tall, annoying elephant, with a deep voice. "Did something happen with Chanyeol?"

"Yeah, what the hell was that at dinner by the way?" Sehun asks the table.

You zone out of the conversation, not wanting to hear what they were going to say about that night. It was working until Yixing pokes your arm. You look over at him, noticing how he was giving you a worried look. You glance at the rest of the boys, realizing they all went quiet, waiting for you to say something, anything.

"Chanyeol told me not to contact him anymore."

There was no response. The four boys just stared at you, processing the words that had just come out of your mouth. Sehun and Junmyeon were the first to react.

"Excuse me?"

"What did you just say?"

"Chanyeol came to my house the other night, told me Daeun was uncomfortable with our friendship, and then told me not to contact him anymore."

You look at each boy, and you could tell that none of them had a clue about this. Junmyeon was surprised, and you would've laughed at the look on his face any other time. Yixing looked uncomfortable. He had always hated situations like this. Sehun and Baekhyun were in between disgusted and pissed off.

Finally, Baekhyun asks, "Why?"

You sigh. "I don't know. He didn't tell me."

"That dumb, big-eared idiot," Sehun angrily says.

Junmyeon sighs, trying to stop him before he said something he'd regret. "Sehun- "

"Don't Sehun me, hyung. He's an idiot."

-A week later-


Sehun: If you don't show up tonight, I'll disown you.

You read the text and roll your eyes. For the past week, you had been trying to get out of game night. You used to love family game night. It was something you always looked forward to, and if Chanyeol wasn't going to be there, you'd be more willing to go.

You didn't want to see him or Daeun. You've gone well out of your way to avoid him ever since he told you not to contact him, but you knew they would both be there tonight. You also knew if you saw him and Daeun together, with a little liquor in your system, all hell would break loose.

After sulking for a few days, all that was left was anger. You wanted to smack Chanyeol, and you could care less about what Daeun thought or wanted. Sure, she was nice, but now you couldn't stand her.

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