Part 11

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When you wake up the next day, the realization that you had fallen asleep in Chanyeol's arms hits you, and, really, you weren't mad about it. You laid there, taking in the sensation of his warm arms wrapped around your body. Your face was buried in his chest, and you could feel his heart calmly beating.

Wanting to enjoy the moment, you stay still, not sure when you would feel his arms wrapped around you like this again. You slowly look up towards Chanyeol's sleeping face, wanting to take everything in, but are startled when you meet a pair of eyes. Chanyeol was awake and looking down at you.

You jump back in surprise, not expecting him to be awake. The only thing that kept you from falling backward off the couch was Chanyeol's arms. You look back at him awkwardly.

"Breakfast?" You squeak out, wanting to break up the intense air that had quickly filled the room.

He slowly nods and answers in one of the sexiest morning voices you've ever heard. "I'll help..."

Needing to get away from him before you did something that completely threw out the "we need to work on our friendship" talk the two of you just had last night, you try to get up. When you realize you can't move, you look down at the reason why. You were still locked in Chanyeol's embrace.

"Umm... Chan..."

He follows your gaze down to his arms that are currently wrapped around your torso. "Oh! Right!" He exclaims, laughing awkwardly while pulling his arms away from you. You instantly miss the contact, but you push that feeling outside of your mind.

The two of you got to work on making breakfast, cooking seamlessly together just like before. This was just another menial task that you two had done for years, knowing who was best at making what. You usually just made the toast and let Chanyeol do the rest. He normally wouldn't let you contribute in any other way anyway.

"So, uh, did you like it?"

You freeze your movements, hand halfway to the butter. You were confused about what he was asking. Was he talking about the couch?

"Like what?"

"Me having my arms around you..."

You roll your eyes and continue on your trek for butter. "Chan, it's not something new. We used to do it all the time."

"I know, but... now it's different. Isn't it?..."

You had to admit he was right. It was all different now. You wanted nothing more than to drag him back to the couch and crawl back into his arms, but you were a responsible adult, so that's exactly what you weren't going to do. You certainly were not going to let him know the effect it had on you either, so instead, you threw a kitchen towel at him. See? Responsible adult.

He turns to you with wide eyes, spatula suspended in the air. "Why are you always throwing things at me?!"

"Hey. I haven't thrown something at you in a very long time. It was overdue."

You watch as he looks down at the eggs with a small smile on his face. The smile that always made your heart skip a beat.


As time goes by, your life falls back into a routine that you were used to. You stay preoccupied with work, dance, and friends, and your friendship with Chanyeol was falling back into normalcy. After a month or so, you realized that he was starting to act exactly like he did a year ago, and you took it as a good sign. Everything felt right. It felt like you and Chanyeol could start a relationship, and everything would be okay still.

Ever since you and Chanyeol had begun focusing on your friendship, you were constantly communicating with each other. You were either texting all day or talking on the phone with each other, so you found it odd one day when you hadn't heard from him at all. You were slightly worried, but you told yourself he was probably just busy with work, so you shifted your focus onto your plans for later.

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