Part 9 (Chanyeol's POV)

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Chanyeol had been anxiously waiting for you to reply for hours. He had texted you earlier in the day, asking if the two of you could meet up and talk, and you had yet to respond. You read it hours ago, Chanyeol knew, because he had been consistently checking the message to see if you had opened it or not. When he was sure you weren't going to respond, he sent another two.

Chanyeol: I know I keep fucking up, and that maybe I don't deserve you in my life but let me explain everything to you.

Chanyeol: If you're willing to hear me out... Meet me at the park in an hour. I'll wait for you.

It was just slightly after seven now, so he had less than an hour to get ready and go to the park. Chanyeol was so busy mentally preparing what he was going to say to you that he forgot to grab a jacket. The thought never occurring to him until he got outside, and the wind hit him smack in the face. It was kind of cold, but he didn't have time to go back inside, so he headed over to the park.

It was 7:55 when he arrived at the empty park. Chanyeol went straight for the swings, knowing that if you came, you would know exactly where he was. He couldn't even count how many times the two of you had played at this park while he was training. It was a special place for the both of you, which is why he thought it was the perfect place to mend your broken friendship.

Chanyeol kept glancing at his watch, knowing the minutes were ticking away. He was hopeful that you would show up, but he didn't truly know anymore, which saddened him more than he could say. He used to know what you were going to do before even you did. Now, he had no idea.

It was nearing 8:30, and Chanyeol was starting to freeze. His hoodie was definitely not warm enough to wear outside tonight, but he wasn't willing to leave yet. Just when he was about to lose hope of you showing up, he heard movement behind him. He whipped his head around and saw you slowly walking towards him. Chanyeol stood up from the swing so fast, he almost lost his balance.

You came. You actually came to hear him out. He was so relieved that you showed up, he didn't realize that he had spoken out loud. "I mean, thanks for coming."

You nodded and silently walked over to sit on the swing next to his. He was quiet for a moment, completely anxious and not knowing where to start. He figured a good place to start would be with an apology, so he dove straight in.

"I am so sorry for putting you through all of this bullshit... For basically everything that happened since I went on tour. I wish I could go back in time and change... well, everything." He looked down at his hands that were nervously twitching in his lap. "Daeun told me everything... I'm so sorry for blaming it all on you. I should've realized it was me."

"Well, it was kind of both of us." You finally spoke, not making eye contact with him.

He smiled sadly at you. Of course, you would try to take some of the burden off him, but there was no way he was going to allow you to take any responsibility for his mistakes. "It wasn't you, Y/N. It was really all me."

That got your attention. You finally turned your head towards him, searching his eyes for an explanation. When he noticed you weren't going to say anything, he sighed and looked ahead towards the slide.

"She knew I had feelings for you, even before that night on the balcony. I guess she's known for a while, but hearing it out loud is what helped her make a decision."

"Wait, why would she think that before the night on the balcony?" You asked him with confusion on your face.

"Little things I did, I guess. That night at the bar, when we both kind of ignored her. When we were hanging out in my dorm, and she walked in. The countless times she caught me attempting to type a text good enough to send to you. I don't know, apparently there were a lot of things."

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