Part 5 (Chanyeol's POV)

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Chanyeol was borderline freaking out. He must've walked from the window to his bedroom door in the dorm at least 30 times. Everyone else had been getting things ready for tonight or chilling out in their bedrooms, but he couldn't. His mind was too busy wandering. Wondering if you were really going to show up early like you had told him. If you were really about to give him a second chance. He was so grateful that you were willing to try to be friends again. That's why he was so nervous and anxious.

He grabbed his guitar to try to calm his thoughts. Strumming a few different chords here and there. Not really finding a rhythm that was keeping his attention long enough. He was just about to give up when he saw his bedroom door open. He focused in on the person standing in the doorway and jumped up in surprise when he realized it was you.

"Y/N! You came early!" He was so happy you came over early that he shouted a little louder than necessary. He walked over to give you a hug, not thinking that maybe you wouldn't really want one from him right now. "I was wondering if you really would..."

"Well, if we're gonna give this friend thing a try again, I have to actually make an effort."

All he could do was stare at you as you took his room in. He hadn't changed it much since the last time you were there. He had been too busy with schedules to do more than sleep when he was in here. However, he remembered he had changed out a few of his old pictures for pictures of him and Daeun, after you noticed them, naturally. You didn't really look at a picture for too long until you found the one on the nightstand. Chanyeol cursed to himself. Why didn't he look around his room before you came?

The picture that he had there originally was one of you and him from the first birthday you had together. He could remember the picture so vividly from all the time he spent staring at it when he couldn't sleep. A younger vserion of him had his arm wrapped around your shoulders, and you both had giant matching grins on your faces. You had icing on your nose from Chanyeol, who had stuck his finger in the cake and wiped it on you.

"I still have it. It's just in the photo album."

He had to move the picture out of his sight for his own sanity. The entire time he went without talking to you, he spent many nights staring at that picture. Wondering if there was a way to get you to forgive him.

That wasn't the only reason he changed it out, though. The first time Daeun had come over, she had asked who you were. Chanyeol really didn't know how to explain it all to her, so he said you were someone he cared a lot about. Every time after that, he would catch Daeun glancing at that photo. It made him feel guilty, so he put it in his photo album.

Chanyeol watched as you slowly sank onto his bed. He could tell it physically hurt you that he had changed out that photo. You stared at the floor, ignoring Chanyeol as he sat next to you.

"I can put it back if you want?"

"No. Obviously, you didn't want it up, so don't bother." He sighed, boy were you wrong.


You cut him off and attempted to change the topic. Not knowing how to explain to you why he changed it out and not really willing to explain to you why, he let you.

An hour passed before Chanyeol realized it. He had been having so much fun with you, just like the old days. You were both sitting on the floor, playing video games, and Chanyeol was determined to make you lose. He wasn't doing it to be mean, he just loved messing around with you. You had moved the controller to the other side of your body, out of Chanyeol's reach. He laughed like that was going to stop him from getting it.

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