Part 4 (Chanyeol's POV)

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He couldn't sleep that night. While tossing and turning, all Chanyeol could think about was you at the party. The way you looked in that dress. The way your face fell when you saw him approaching you. The way you looked relieved when it was Baekhyun who had grabbed your hand when you were leaving. Chanyeol couldn't help it, he was jealous of Baekhyun, someone who he had always rooted for and been proud of.

Chanyeol kept replaying the moment you were leaving in his mind. He had been so close to you. He was just going around a group of people to get to you when he saw Baekhyun grab your hand and tell you he would go with you. Chanyeol had frozen on the spot. Caught between wanting to stop you from leaving before he had the chance to talk to you and letting you go before he could hurt you anymore that night.

When he had got home, he had a couple of drinks before going to sleep. His mind had been too wired for him to lay down. He kept picking up his phone, debating if he should text you or not. What if you were still with Baekhyun? What if you had his number blocked? He didn't know if you did or not. He had been too afraid to text you after so long.

As he laid in bed, he kept starting to type a text to you, but he had no idea what to say. Nothing seemed good enough. Something always seemed to be lacking in the messages he had come up with. He had so much he wanted to say to you, but it needed to be in person. Before he could talk himself out of it. He texted the first thing he could think of.

Chanyeol: Y/N! I hope you had a good time last night. Never got the chance to say goodbye!

Chanyeol: Let's have dinner together tonight and catch up!

Chanyeol: Please... I miss you.

Chanyeol looked back at the messages he sent you and groaned. He sounded stupid. You were definitely not going to reply to him after that. He put his phone down and attempted to fall asleep. It must've worked because he woke up the next morning to his phone buzzing. Rolling over, he grabbed his phone from the nightstand next to the bed.

Y/N: Dinner sounds great.

Chanyeol shot up out of bed when he saw your name. Holy shit, you replied! He was so happy, he immediately texted a response.

Chanyeol: Awesome! 7 at the usual place??

He saw the three dots appear, telling him you were typing a message.

Y/N: See you there!

He jumped out of bed. He couldn't believe he was going to get to spend some alone time with you, finally. He had so much he wanted to say to you, and he wanted to have your full attention when he said it.

Chanyeol went about his day, but he began to get more nervous as 7 o'clock showed up. He had no idea what you were going to say or do. About half an hour before he was going to leave, he heard a knock on his door. He hadn't been expecting anybody, so he was curious who was there. When he opened his door, he felt a pit in his stomach.

"Hey Yeolie, you about ready to go?"


He had completely forgotten he and Daeun had plans tonight.

"Daeun! You're here!"

"Yes, Yeol, isn't this the time you told me?" She had a confused look on her face. Oh boy. What was he going to do???

"Yes! I'm just running a little late..."

"Oh, that's fine, I can wait a little bit!" She walked into his apartment and headed toward the couch.

Well, it's now or never. "Hey, Daeun..."


"Do you care if I invite Y/N to dinner? I know it's last minute, but I, kind of, already asked her..." He trailed off. Wow, that was a dick move.

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