Part 9

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Chanyeol: Can we talk? Please?

You had been rereading that message for nearly 7 hours now. At first, you were surprised he texted you, and then you were annoyed. You were so beyond over the drama. You just had to decide if that meant you were over Chanyeol also. Never responding to the text, you were surprised when another two pop in an hour later.

Chanyeol: I know I keep fucking up, and that maybe I don't deserve you in my life but let me explain everything to you.

Chanyeol: If you're willing to hear me out... Meet me at the park in an hour. I'll wait for you.

You glance up at the clock after you read the last message. 7:05 P.M. Was this going to be it? Were you finally going to get down to the bottom of this? Or were you going to make up for a couple of days and then have some more bullshit happen? You really didn't think you could be tugged along anymore.

You sat on the couch and thought about what you would even say to him if you saw him. You also debated for a long time if you would even go. When you next glance up at the clock, it was already 8:15 P.M. Over an hour had passed. Was he there waiting for you like he said he'd be? After arguing with yourself, you decide to go and hear him out. Throwing on a hoodie, you head for the door, wondering to yourself just how long he'd be willing to wait for you.

By the time you got to the park, it was 8:28 P.M. A half an hour later than he said. You took note of the fact that it was slightly chilly and wished you had grabbed something warmer than a hoodie. You almost felt bad for making him wait. Almost.

When you finally find him, he's sitting on a swing, rocking it slightly. You look at his back for a moment before finally heading over to him. He must've heard you approaching because his head snaps toward you before you reach him. He stands up when you get closer to him.

"Y/N, you came..." He says in amazement. "I mean, thanks for coming."

You nod and sit down on the swing that was next to his. Chanyeol sat back down as well, and you took this opportunity to look at him. He was wearing a black hoodie and pants, with a cap on his head. You noted that his eyes were bloodshot and puffy like he had been crying. You also noticed the tip of his nose was red from the cold.

"I am so sorry for putting you through all of this bullshit... For basically everything that has happened since I went on tour. I wish I could go back in time and change... well, everything." He looks down at his hands that were nervously twitching in his lap. "Daeun told me everything... I'm so sorry for blaming it all on you. I should've realized it was me."

"Well, it was kind of both of us." You finally speak.

He smiles sadly. "It wasn't you, Y/N. It was really all me."

You stare at him, waiting for him to continue. When he notices you're not going to say anything, he sighs.

"She knew I had feelings for you, even before that night on the balcony. I guess she's known for a while, but hearing it out loud is what helped her make a decision."

"Wait, why would she think that before the night on the balcony?"

"Little things I did, I guess. That night at the bar, when we both kind of ignored her. When we were hanging out in my dorm room, and she walked in. The countless times she caught me attempting to type a text good enough to send to you. I don't know... Apparently, there were a lot of things."

That tidbit of information surprises you. You had no clue about the unsent texts, but you also hadn't realized how all these things combined would look. In hindsight, it would appear that more was going on between the two of you than either of you would ever admit to her.

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