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Virginia Quantico

"We're looking forward to having you on the team Ms.Summers."

"Thank you Sir, and thank you again for this amazing opportunity." I smile with gratitude while looking at man sitting in front of me, my nerves only growing bigger not being able to sit still anymore. Looking around his office I notice he has a couple of pictures of a young boy on his desk. His son I think.

The phone rings and he turns to take it. "Agent Hotchner. Yes. I understand I'll bring my team." He turns to me, "Do you have a go bag with you?" I quickly nod as we stand up and he ushers me out of his office and towards a bigger office with a table in the middle, accompanied by 6 other agents. A dark haired women, a blonde standing in front of a tv, a fit dark skinned man, a older agent with a goatee, and another younger looking man with long curls.

They look my way when I take my seat next to the women with raven hair. She gives me a polite smile which I quickly return, "Team, this is Agent Summers who will be joining us. We can make nice later, as we have a case in Los Angelas, wheels up in 30." There's low mumbles of how "they can kiss their weekend goodbye". Standing in the kitchen making myself a quick cup of coffee for the flight, I'm tapped on the shoulder by the skinny, yet tall man I saw in the briefing room earlier.

"H-hi I'm Spencer Reid, it's nice to meet you, Summers right?" I chuckle at his nervousness, it's nice knowing I'm not the only one who stutters when I'm overwhelmed, "Yes although you can call me Fiona, do you mind giving me a ride to the airport? I don't drive and I took the metro on my way here." His eyes widen a bit, "You take the Metro as well?" I chuckle and nod, what a coincidence, "Yes, I would hate to leave a carbon footprint behind. I'm all for helping the Earth and whatnot, trying to do what I can." Also I hate driving, but he doesn't have to know that.

"It's interesting actually, one of the original companies to build and operate the Paris metro system around the turn of the 20th century was the Compagnie du Chemin de Fer Métropolitain de Paris. The transit system was often referred to by a shortened version of the company's name, Le Métropolitain, and later simply Métro. After that, "metro" became the common way to refer to underground rapid transit systems all around the world. Just another trend set by Parisians." He smiles proudly at his little fact and looks at me expectingly.

"Wow, not what I was expecting you to say. But, a very interesting way to learn about metros." I hold in my chuckle seeing a deep blush covers his cheeks, he looks over me and smiles, "Summers-sorry, Fiona. This is Agent Prentiss." Smiling, I take the hand of the woman I sat next to earlier and shake it "It's nice to meet you." She smiles and looks at Reid and I, "I wasn't eavesdropping but I heard you needed a ride? I'd be glad to take you to the airport if you're ready. You as well Reid."

"That would be great thank you, I'm ready whenever you are."

"Wow." The jet was amazing, leather seats, a couch, a small little kitchen. I could definitely get used to this, "Trust me sweetheart it gets a little boring after a while." The dark skinned man I had met earlier, Derek Morgan states. "I don't think I could ever get bored of this, it's very nice." I take my seat next to Spencer by one of the tables, facing Morgan and Jennifer. "Reid how long is the flight?" I ask, "It's 4 hours and 59 minutes." Responding with a small thank you I put in my earbuds and listen to music, trying to distract myself as we take off, I might hate flying but with this job I'm going to have to get used to it.

An hour in we were experiencing turbulence and I couldn't help but grab onto the arms of my seat, tightening my seatbelt. "Scared of flying?" I look up to see Morgan smirking and JJ with a concerned look on her face. "Are you alright?" Nodding quickly I take deep breathes trying to calm my self, but of course Spencer chimes into the conversation with another fact, not that I mind, but right now isn't the time. "Actually, fear of flying can be linked with deep rooted issues about fear of losing control, and it's not really the turbulence we have to be worried about, small air pockets under the wings is what could send us crashing down quickly, and usually it's the first and last 10 minutes of a flight where a crash usually happens."

Morgan and JJ sigh as I had enough, I ran to the bathroom and returned my morning coffee from earlier. Hearing the door open behind me I couldn't help but scoff while I felt a pair of hands rubbing my back, "Great way to start my first day right?" Feeling my hair get tied up I felt another wave coming out of me. So. Embarrassing. "It's my fault," the voice behind me starts, continuing to rub my back, "I shouldn't have said all that stuff about crashing and air pockets, I apologize." Oh my god it's Spencer, before I could react there was a knock on the door, "Guys we're about to debrief."

"Come on. Here, I got you some mouthwash and water." Taking it and washing my mouth out Spencer leads me out to the main part and I'm going greeted with the rest of the team.

Alright. Let's do this.

Authors note:
So I was kind of struggling with this chapter so I think I might change the "POV" to no one in particular, also let me know what you think so far!

Authors note pt2

In a couple chapters I go back to either Fionas or Spencer POV, I worked on my writing a bit so let me know any thoughts!

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