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The jet was quiet on the way home, although they found Missie where Lenord said he took her, she had a broken arm and a lot of bruises on her body. It's not something great to see, and Fiona couldn't get it out of her mind. How could someone do that to such a pure soul? She thought to herself, the little girl might never recover. She took her headphones when Hotch came to sit next to her on the couch, looking around he turned towards her, "How are you feeling?" Taking a dee breath Fiona decided to be truthful, "Honestly? I'm kind of shocked, I mean I knew there would be a lot of gore and crazy things that are included with this job. But the idea of that little girl going through so much in just a day..it makes me think if this job will even make a difference."

Hotch nodded because he understood, of course he had questioned multiple times if he was really making a difference, because of this job he had lost his wife. Sometimes he wondered what if he had just quit, would Haley still be here? "I understand, it may not seem like it but we are making a difference. We saved Missie and reunited her with the parents, because of us Missie still has a mother and father, and they still have a daughter. It may be small, but think of it as a butterfly effect." Fiona nodded, feeling a bit better, "Thank you Sir." Her boss nodded and walked back to his original seat, she felt someone eyes on her and turned to face Spencer from across the jet staring at her. When he realized he had been caught he quickly cleared his throat and looked back at his book, a shade of red running across his face.

It was quiet for a couple a hours and before landing Prentiss suggested going to a bar, everyone agreed and Fiona thought it might be a nice chance to get to know everyone better. Also, she would be able to officially meet the technical analyst she had heard a lot about, mostly from her and Morgan's little remarks over the phone, she thought it was very humorous.

Spencer had been quiet the whole way back to the BAU, he wanted to offer Fiona a way to the bar so he could talk to her more. Not that he could explain why, he just wanted to be closer to her, she seemed to pull him towards her a lot. It's not like he had a car though, maybe she'd be interested in riding the metro with him, there are a bunch of things they could talk about. Spencer started walking towards Fiona desk when Hotch's voice from over head called out, "Summers, do you need a ride to meet the team? I'm leaving a bit early and could take you with me." Hotch leaving early and coming to the bar with the team after a case? That's not really like him Spencer noticed, "You're not going home to Jack, Hotch?"

His boss looked at him and simply stated "He's with a sitter tonight, do you need a ride as well Reid?" Usually Spencer wouldn't have accepted the request and went on the Metro or with JJ like usual but for no particular reason he wanted to go with Fiona and Hotch.

"So how are you liking the team so far Fiona?" Her boss asked sitting next to her in the SUV, Spencer in the back middle. "Everyone is very welcoming and kind, also thank you again for offering me a ride, I didn't feel like riding the Metro all the way and risk getting lost." Spencer felt like he hadn't added much to the conversation he so desperately wanted to be a part of so he decided to ask her what he's been wondering since he met her, "How come you don't drive a car, I know you said you didn't want to leave a carbon footprint, but is there another reason?"

He soon regretted asking when a weird energy started floating in the air, before he was able to apologize Fiona spoke up. "I just don't like cars too much, not a lot of fun experience with them." When he realized she wouldn't be adding anything else he nodded and leaned against his seat, so much for getting to know her more.

They finally arrived at the bar the team was meeting in after a grueling 12 minutes and 48 seconds in the silent car, Spencer counter. They stepped out of the car and Fiona walked ahead, and Spencer soon felt the presence of Hotch next to him, "Everything alright Reid?" It was a simple question but it felt to him as if he was being interrogated. "Fine." They all reached the door and showed their ID's to the security man at the door who let them in, "Where's the team?" Fiona shouted over the loud music and dim lights, "They said they should be in a corner near the end left, come on I'll bring you there." Spencer then put his hand on the small of her back and led her to the table, glancing back at Hotch who wasn't far behind.

"Guys you made it! Oh my goodness Fiona it's so great to meet you, I'm the one and only Penelope how are you?" Fiona smiled as the blonde in a sparkly flower dress ran up and hugged her, Spencer like the sight of Fionas smile, it suited her. "I'm great, thank you guys for inviting me." The team swatted their hands in the air, "Don't thank us you're part of the family now." JJ said, "Wanna get a shot at the bar?" She nodded as the ladies made their way to the bar together, leaving Rossi, Hotch, and Spencer at the table. Rossi being Rossi had brought an age old wine from his own cellar, Hotch had gotten a beer, and Spencer stuck with a Coke. He usually ended up being the designated driver at these things but didn't mind it, he liked the idea of him being needed.

At the bar one shot turned into two, which turned into three, and after three shots and a fruity drink they made their way to the dance floor. Prentiss found a couple women to dance with which left JJ and Fiona dancing together, "What do you think so far, about the job?" She shouted over the music, "It seems wrong to say I'm 'enjoying it' but it's a nice learning experience and everyone is super kind." JJ nodded as she pulled her back to the booth after the song was over, they were both very tipsy so "walking" is a generous term. They stumbled into the booth only to find out Prentiss, Hotch, and Garcia had been picked up by Morgan to get driven home.

"My husband Will is here, Reid make s-sure Summers gets home okay!" JJ slurred slightly within the sentence as Reid walked her out to meet Will and see them drive home, he walked back inside to get Fiona and get her home when he saw her at the bar again sitting next to a man who was clearly making her uncomfortable. "Come on Honey, let's go back to my place and I'll show you a good time yeah?" Fiona couldn't help but groan at this mans poor attempt to pick her up, also he didn't smell too great. "Thanks. But no thanks." He didn't seem to like the answer she gave him when he tightly grabbed her upper arm. "Come on" he smiled "Im sure you'll end up having fun."

Fiona froze with slight fear and not knowing what to do when Spencer interrupted the little moment. "Babe there you are! I've been looking everywhere for you, come on let's go home." He removed the mans arm and put his own protectively around Fiona, who he swore felt lean into the touch, she agreed and walked out with him. "Thank you for that." She slurred a little when they made it outside to the fresh air, he smiled and retrieved his phone to call a taxi. "It's about a 10 minute wait, let's go sit down on that bench over there."

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