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Spencer's POV
Fiona and I decided to have back at 6, us both having a fair share of thing we wasted our money on. I was surprised when she gave me the Rumours vinyl, not because I only listen to classical but because she wanted to share that part of her with me. I'm used to her giving me answers that are vague with no detail, her behind closed off. But she wanted to show me her music, which is basically a part of her. And I think that's pretty incredible.

"Come on, let's go to one last place." I say to her after dropping our things in the trunk, she squints her eyes at me but nods. The drive was about 20 minutes before I parked, "Where are we Spence?" I pull her out of the car and bring her to where I want.

"The beach?" I nods and smile as we stand by the edge of the beach, separated by cement, "Why?" I look at her and take her in, the wind blowing in her hair, her eyes lit up by the beginning sunset. She looks beautiful. "I thought we could watch the sunset."

"That would be amazing Spencer, I'd love that." I put her hand in mine and bring her towards the water, jumping over the cement block. We take out shoes off and leave them there, sitting where the water and sand meet.

"This is nice." She says, looking over the waters "Yeah, I thought you'd like it."

"I used to always come to the beach." I turn my head towards her, she's hugging her knees, facing the sunset. I stay silent, not wanting to push her and let her say whatever she's comfortable with, "My parents brought me every weekend, since my old home was only a 10 minute drive. But we stopped going when my dad got sick." I nod and bring my arm to rub her back, my heart bursting when she doesn't flinch, letting me touch her.

She doesn't continue and I speak up, "Maybe you and me can come more often." She shrugs and we leave it at that. There's so much more I want to know about her, her favorite color, favorite memories, the food she hates. But she's so closed off, and I'm so lucky she's opening up to me slowly.

"I don't want to be fixed Spencer."


"I love spending time with you, but please don't do all of this because you want to fix me." I could see how tired she was, "Okay, I promise. No fixing."

She smiles gratefully and lays her head on my shoulder as I wrap my arm around her, this is nice. I wish we could stay like this.


After an the sunset went, we decided to head back and pack since we're leaving tomorrow. "Oh damn we don't have any more toothpaste." I say, squeezing the last piece on my toothbrush.

"It's fine, I'll go down to the little corner store and pick some up," Fiona kindly offers as I watch her pull on one of my old sweatshirts and sweatpants with her converse. "You only wear my clothes now?"

She smirks before answering, "Still have my underwear on." I almost choke on my toothpaste as she heads out the door, but can't help but laugh.

Fionas POV
I smile and walk out the door, hearing him laugh behind me. Tonight was nice. We went to a flea market, watched the sunset, it almost felt like a date. But he doesn't think of me that way, sure we make witty comments here and there but it's no more than that. Right?

I head out of the lobby and cross the street to the small pharmacy and grocery store, conveniently close to us. Walking through the aisles I search for the toothpaste, finding it I walk to the cash register and go to pay for it, an older man with white hair and a beard behind me with a chocolate candy bar.

I pay and head out of the store, remembering how dark it was I search for my phone to use my flashlight when I suddenly felt eyes on me. I look around in the dark parking lot, trying to see if anyone's there, "Hello?"

God this feels like a badly written horror bit.

There was no answer and I decided it was nothing, finding my phone in my purse I reach out for it, calling Spencer.

"Fiona? Is everything alright?"

Spencer's POV

"Fiona? Is everything alright?" I ask as I pick up the phone, "Yeah everything fine, just wanted to tell you on my way back. Didn't want you getting too worried about me pretty boy." I can basically hear her smirk across the phone as I chuckle.

"Yeah yeah just don't take too long, we're leaving early tomorrow."

"Okay I'll be right the-"

The line goes quiet before she finishes her sentence, it's nothing Spencer she probably has bad WiFi. But as the time goes by my anxiety grew. It's been 20 minutes since she made that call, the corner store isn't even a 5 minute drive. I call Hotch as I run out of our hotel room, not bothering to lock it and make my way to the lobby.

"Reid? It's late, why aren't you asleep?"

"Hotch I think somethings wrong. I think Fionas in trouble."

"What are you talking about? What happened?"

"I-I don't know just meet me in the parking lot and bring the team. Hurry please."

I run out of the elevator towards the corner shop, I can feel my heart fall as I see a plastic bag, a phone and keys in the middle of the concert. Grabbing the phone I turn it on and see the BAU background, realizing it was Fionas work phone.

Someone had her.

The team met me by the parking lot of the hotel as I bring Fionas belongings to them, they sigh when they see her phone. "Who could have done this?" Prentiss asks.

"I think it may have been a blitz attack, we were on the phone and....and she was in the middle of saying goodbye when the line cut off." There was a silence before Morgan spoke up, "Hotch there's something bothering me, Fiona looks awfully similar to the victims of this case. Don't you think?"

"Yes but we have the unsub in custody, he couldn't have gotten Fiona."

"Yes but we were both not sure it was the right guy."

"What?" I face both of them, "You weren't sure it was the right guy? And we were gonna leave?"

Hotch shot me a look to tell me to be quiet but I ignored him, facing JJ and Prentiss, "Tell me what happened."

JJ looks around then back at me, "Garcia had gone through a list of suspect that we had complied from the girls dating apps, but we had to narrow it down, there were way too many. But eventually we finally got it down to 2 males, they were basically the same person, living only miles from each other, and we thought we had the right guy. Morgan said he had a gut feeling it was the wrong guy, but we ignored him."

Her voice went quiet at the end of her words and I turned back to the team.

"Are you telling me a possible serial killer has Fiona right now?"

Checkmate {Spencer Reid}Where stories live. Discover now