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Fiona's POV

I left Spencer's apartment to quickly shower and change into my work clothes, closing the door behind me I feel my phone buzz in my pocket and smile when I see Trey's name pop up on the screen, "Hey Trey what's up?"

"Fiona, you'll never guess what happened, you're amazing!"

"Tell me something I don't know, what happened? Did you talk to Chelsea?" I can hear familiar giggling on the other side of the line as I turn the shower on, "Is she there with you Trey?"

"Yes, I followed your advice and told her how I feel, she agreed to go on a date with me this Friday." I smile, my heart bursting with happiness for my friend, "Oh Trey, that's amazing! I'm very happy for you, don't fuck it up okay?" He lets out one of his contagious laughs and agrees, "Alright I have to go Shrek," his voice gets low and serious, "Let me know if you plan on getting high again so I can come over."

I sigh into the phone, "Trey I told you I'll be fine." I can hear him rolling his eyes as he huffs, "Fine, just call me at least so I know okay?"

"Okay, deal. I've got to go to work, let me know what happens on your date on Friday." I say and hang up as we exchange our goodbyes, I quickly hop in and out of the shower getting my work clothes on, gasping as I see myself in the mirror. It wasn't from seeing the bruises of when I got punched, I've gotten used to seeing those. I was just shocked to see new bruises on my neck, they weren't put there maliciously or out of anger, but out of lust, and passion. It was nice to know someone cared, and as if the universe wanted to fuck with me a bit more I heard my phone ring again as I had finished changing into my clothes and packing my go bag.

I frown at the caller ID but answer anyways, "Hello?" I hear a dry laugh on the line as I put the call on speaker to get my shoes on, "Fiona, is that any way to greet your mother?" I sigh and pick up the phone, gathering my things and bringing them to the door, "Need I remind you that you're not my mother?"

"How dare you say things like that Fiona Summers?"

"Eva, listen I really don't have time for this okay?" I hang up before she can answer and turn my phone off, putting it in my pocket. I hesitate before walking out of my door, quickly heading towards my bathroom and grabbing one of the bottles Trey had dropped off earlier today and put it in my bad, I hear Aria meow behind me from the couch, "Don't worry Ari, I'll be careful. Erica will be here every once in a while to check up on you okay?"

I kiss the top of her head and walk out of my apartment, Erica was my neighbor who agreed to house sit and watch my furry companion whenever I get called out on a case. I head down to Spencer's and knock on the door, seeing him in a suit and vest, carrying his own go bag. "Hey, you ready?" I nod and head down the stairs, he offers to carry my bag for me but I decline, knowing if he does all I'll think about is what is in it.

We drive to the BAU in a comfortable silence, listening to the gentle hum of the radio, "I like you too." I turn around and chuckle and Spencer, "What?"

"I never said it back, it's kind of been gnawing at me. But, I like you too." I smile and take his free hand in mine, "Well, I should hope so." He doesn't respond and we spend the rest of the car ride hand in hand. We haven't talked about how we would act in front of the team, which made me a bit anxious, but I decide to play it cool, like nothing has changed and just follow his lead. Our hands go apart as we step out of the car and into the bureau, waiting in the elevator and heading to the bullpen.

I see JJ and Morgan in the small kitchenette and head over to say Hi and make myself a coffee, I let out a small yelp and Morgan runs over to me, picking me up by the waist and giving me a big bear hug, "Fiona you're back!" I smile and hug him back, when he let's me down JJ gives me hug as well and whispers in my ear on how she happy to see me. I grab myself a mug and pour some coffee in it, "How have you been feeling?" Morgan asks me, I can see the pity in his eyes, "Please, don't do that?"

"Do what?"

"Treat me like a big helpless victim, I'm fine, and feeling better." I grab his arm gently looking into his eyes, "If I need to talk about my feelings and whatever, you will be the first person I call alright?" He nods and I make my way to the briefing room where the rest of the team is, and I see Hotch walking towards me. He reaches out and touches my arm, "Are you sure you're alright coming back to work so soon?" I smile and nod, "You needed me sir, this is my job."

He gives me a smile and sits down next to me as I sit next to Spencer who leans towards me, "Did Hotch just smile at you?" He asks me, sounding bewildered, "Um, I guess so, why?"

He laughs lightly and shrugs, "He barely smiles." I smile and look at the folder that Penelope handed me, giving me small hug and kiss on the cheek, she turns to the monitor on the wall and pulls up the first picture to where I can feel my heart drop, "This is Sofia Rosales, she was found by a couple of hikers 3 hours ago in Los Angeles, California. She's currently in the hospital with a few broken ribs, and sprained wrist." Pen looks at me for a split second before continuing, and I look at my healing wrist that's still in a small wrap. "She hasn't been talking so the LAPD was hoping we could get something out of her, she was beating so we think she may have been held somewhere by an unsub."

"Thanks Garcia. I'm assuming everyone has their go bags?" The team nods.

"Alright, wheels up in thirty."

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