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TW: Drug use.

"Spencer. Spencer wake up."

I wake up to Fiona grabbing my shoulders and shaking me lightly, "What? What's wrong Fiona?" Sitting up I reach to tuck her hair behind her ear but she stops my hand and I notice she flinched slightly, "Are you alright?" She nods but I can see her eyes slightly glazed with tears, "Tell me the truth, please."

She just ignores me and brings my hand down, "I need to be alone Spencer." She ignores my eyes and I hold up her chin, reading her face. All I see is pain, she looks broken. "I don't think you should be alone right now Fiona."

"Stop profiling me Spencer." I'm surprised at her harsh tone, but I nod and grab my sweater, pulling it on as she walks me to her door. I turn to say goodbye as I walk out only to be met with a closed door.

Don't take it personal Spencer, she's going through a lot right now.

But I can't seem to ignore the sting in my chest as I head up to my room, closing the door behind me. I only slept a couple of hours, waking up here and there to make sure Fiona was still peacefully sleeping, she looked so content while dreaming. A look I haven't seen on her before, my guess is she was having a pleasant dream. Why did she kick me out though?

She was the one to ask me to come over, I mean I offered to stay with her but she said not to worry. Then she calls me crying and telling me she needs me? She's so hot and cold.

Now that I think about it, she's acting like how I was only a week ago. Just as cold and distant, but why?

I can barely keep my eyes open while my thoughts run through my head, deciding to take a nap. We're both needed back at the BAU tomorrow anyways. Hotch told Fiona to take some time off, but knowing her she'll come anyways.

Heading to my bed I crawl under the covers, debating whether I should read a couple books.


Fiona's POV

My heads in my hands as I feel Aria nudge her head against my arm, "I know, I know. I shouldn't have kicked him out, let alone slam the door in his face. You don't understand why I had to do it Ari. You're just a cat."

She just meows at me, proving my point. I sigh and grab my phone, calling a number a friend from college had given me yesterday, "This is Trey."

"Um, hello. My name's Fiona, Chelsea told me you could do me a small favor."

"Ohh yeah, I got you no worries. She sent me the address earlier, I'll be there in an hour."

"Oh-Okay. Thank you..Trey."

"My pleasure." I could hear the flirty smile from a mile away as I hang up the phone, getting up and starting to pace.

"Fuck I shouldn't have called, but this is the only way I could have gotten it. Chelsea wouldn't even have agreed if I told her what happened a couple of days ago. But this isn't my fault. It's his.

If he hadn't done that shit to me I would have been fine. I could have spent the morning with Spencer, he probably hates me right now. Who am I kidding, he does hate me. "Fuck what am I going to do Aria? I shouldn't have called Chelsea or Trey."

I head out to my couch with a bottle of whiskey, hearing my furry companion not far behind me, I grab my remote and turn on the tv, seeing that Keeping Up With The Kardashians is on.

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