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Spencer's POV
I'm woken by stirring next to me, small groans in the air. Opening my eyes, I turn to look at the clock,

6:15 am

I shouldn't be up for another 2 hours, "No, wait!" Fiona? I sit up and look to my right, to see her still sleeping, but she looks restless, tossing her head left and right.

She's having a nightmare.

"Fiona, Fiona wake up." I nudge her with my arm slightly, still a bit dazed. She started breathing heavily, almost to the point of hyperventilation, "Fuck, Fiona! Wake up!" I shake her shoulders as she sits up and gasps, like she's taking her first breaths again.

"Shh, you're okay, you were having a nightmare." I reach over the rub her arm but she flinches away from me. "Don't touch me." I move away slowly, not knowing what to do. The silence around us is louder than ever, "I need a smoke." Her voice is quiet yet loud enough for me to heard. "Are you sure that's a good idea?" I'm worried about her health.

"Fuck off Spencer. Don't act like you care." She pulls over the hoodie I gave her earlier and heads to the balcony, closing the door behind her. Making it known she doesn't wanna be bothered, I can see the smoke leaving her mouth as she watches the city lights.

"Don't act like you care." That's exactly what I was doing the last couple days, but even then I cared, and I care now. I just wish I knew what to do.

30 minutes pass and she comes back inside, throwing her cigarette away and coming back to bed. I open my mouth to speak but she interrupts me, "Don't." She faces away from me and lays down, her breathing eventually evening out, and just like that she's asleep again.

Fionas POV
I woke up with a big headache, making my mood only worse. I had a nightmare again last night, after not having them for 6 months I thought they would be gone for good. I'm so naive. I just can't believe Spencer saw me and had to wake me up, it's too much to handle. It's 8 am and I've been ready for half an hour, Spencer still not awake.

I'm too exhausted to wait for his alarm to ring so I decide to wake him up instead.

I take a pillow from my side of the bed, walk over to him, and smack him in the face with it.


"Wake up, you have 30 minutes to get ready, or I'm leaving without you." He looks over to the clock and groans, "We don't have to meet the team at the station until 9."

"I know but I want to get a good coffee at a cafe before we go, and you're driving me."

"When did we agree to that?"

"We didn't. I did. Now get ready."

"Why can't you just drive yourself, I'll give you the keys." Ignoring the ache in my chest as his words leave his mouth I grab clothes from his bag and toss him them, "Okay okay give me a second. I'll drive you."

I wait for him, sitting in a chair near the door, scrolling mindlessly through my phone as he comes out of the bathroom in his work clothes and his hair a mess. "So what cafe is it?" He asks, putting on a jacket and tie. "I'll give you directions as you drive, come on."

No other words are exchanged as we walk down to the lobby and parking garage, the drive was silent other than a couple words of me telling him when to turn. The coffee shop was cute, a little far but worth it. That's why I wanted to leave earlier, it was very comfy and warm, not to mention the reviews were great. I had woken up fairly early not being able to sleep and decided to look through my phone to pass the time, coming across this place.

"It's nice." He simply states as we walk inside. "Mhm." We're greeted by an older lady with white hair, an apron around her waist that had painted flowers on it.

"Welcome! How may I help you dear?"

"Hello, could I just get a plain coffee please? No cream or sugar." She nods and puts my order in the computer, turning to Spencer with a smile, "Oh, I'll have the same thing except lots of sugar if that's possible."

"Of course, love."

"How much do I owe you?" She looks at me, then Spencer and back to me, observing our faces carefully, "It's on the house, you lot look very tired. No worries."

"Oh..thank you."

She sends us a smile and motions us to sit down as we wait for our coffee, I can feel Spencer's eyes on me while I look around the place. "Do you want to talk about what happened?" He asks me. "What happened?" I knew what he was talking about, but the last thing I wanted to do was barf my feelings up.

"You know what I mean Fiona. You had a nightmare."

"No shit Sherlock." He rolls his eyes and leans forward on the table, "Listen, I get that you're mad at me, but I'm worried about you." I laugh sourly, "Why? Because I smoke a cigarette here and there? Because I had a nightmare? Or because you feel guilty for being a dick-"

"Coffee for Fiona and Spencer?" A girl yells across the room, telling us the coffees are ready, I basically sprint out of my chair dying to get out of that conversation. "Thank you." She nods, I hand one of the coffees to Spencer and head towards the door.

"Come on we're gonna be late."

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