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Spencer walks into the sheriffs office, calling Garcia. "Hey are you guys on the plane yet?"

"He has her. He had her Garcia, who was the other suspect you had."

"Spencer what are you talking about?"

"Now. Garcia."

"Okay okay!" He hears the keys clicking while Garcia look for the suspect on her computer, "Mason Yorkshire, what's going on Spencer?" He hangs up not answering her, meeting the team in the middle of the station. "Garcia sent me the address of Mason Yorkshire, let's go."

Before he starts walking Hotch grabs his arm, holding him back, "Not yet Spence, chances are he won't have Fiona at his house." Spencer couldn't believe what he was hearing, "Chances? I don't give a fuck our chances or statistics right now Hotch. Someone has Fiona and we have to help her!"

"We have to wait Spencer, we have to think about the profile, where would he take her?" JJ tries to reason but Spencer has tunnel vision, "Wait? You want us to wait Jennifer? I can't wait this time. I have to save her."

"What do you mean this time Spence?"

Spencer closed his eyes, praying his tears to go away. "Maeve. I can't let what happened to her, happen to Fiona."

The team goes quiet, and the air turns heavy. "Listen kid, we won't let that happen alright?" Morgan goes to grab his shoulder but Spencer shrugs him off, "Then let's go through his house, see if he has some kind of clue of where Fiona is."

They look at Hotch and he nods, Spencer waiting no time in grabbing his vest and gun.

The car ride is silent besides the sirens, Spencer driving. "We'll find her Spencer." Prentiss says from beside him, "I've heard that before Emily."

She nods and leaves it, and they arrive at the house with Spencer at the front of the team. He nods at Morgan who kicks the door down.

"FBI! Mason Yorkshire!"

The team splits up and goes the the rooms, "Clear!" Spencer walks into the bedroom and clears it, deciding to look through hoping they'll be some kind of evidence of where Fiona is. He couldn't loose her too. He goes through cupboards, closets, and even looks under the mattress, nothing.

He sighs and fights back his tears, feeling out of control, the situation seeming hopeless. Taking a deep breath he faces the window, needing some clarity, when he sees a storm cellar.

"Hotch! Morgan!" The team comes into the bedroom as Spencer shows them the cellar. "Let's go."

Spencer almost trips running out of the house, opening the door to the storm cellar. It's pitch dark and he reaches for his flashlight and gun, holding it up with the team behind him. Taking deep breathes, he furrows his eyebrows and walks down a long hall, the lights seeming broken.

They had decided on a quiet entry, not trying to scare the suspect away, hoping, praying, that Fionas safe. They look through every door hoping to see the familiar face but each one is empty. Spencer signals to the door at the end of the hall and the team nods, letting him go ahead.

He jiggles the door knob, "It's locked." He whispers, letting Morgan walk ahead. "One, two, three." He kicks the door open, Spencer sprinting through holding his gun. "Mason Yorkshire, FBI." His heart drops when he sees Fiona tied to a chair, bruised and cuts all over her face, a wrap around her wrist and tear stains on his sweater.

"Mason drop the needle." Needle? He looks at Hotch then back at Mason, he has a needle in his hand, holding it up to Fionas neck, who's barely conscious.

The unsub looks around, then meets eyes with Spencer, "Hmm, it's interesting."

"What is?" Spencer asks.

"She'll die the way you were supposed to."

And before the team can act Mason stabs the needle into Fionas neck as Prentiss shoots his shoulder, making him fall to the ground. Spencer runs to Fiona as Morgan cuffs the unsub.

"Fiona, Fiona can you hear me? What did you give her?!" He yells at the unsub but he only smiles at him, "Figure it out."

He find a bottle on the floor, almost dropping it when he sees the label,


"No, no no no. Fiona. Come on, stay with me." He lightly pats her cheek and she opens her eyes, "Spencer?" Her voice is weak, and tired. "Yes it's me, we're going to help you but you have to stay awake. I'm going to untie you now play? Please stay awake please."

He turns around to see JJ, Prentiss, and Rossi looking at him. "What are you waiting for call a medic!" JJ nods and runs out the room, Rossi following and Prentiss runs to help Spencer with untying Fiona.

They undo the ropes and Spencer pulls her off the chair, pulling Fiona into his lap. She had closed her eyes, barely breathing. "Fiona. Wake up."

His adrenaline rushing through his blood his breathing gets heavier, he stands up and picks Fiona up. "The medics are taking too long, Prentiss help me open the door."

He walks out of the cellar, almost running into the medics and bringing her to the ambulance wasting no time to get in with her. "Prentiss, tell the team I'll meet them at the hospital!" He yells as they close the door, speeding off.

Checkmate {Spencer Reid}Where stories live. Discover now