Chapter 2 - Judgemental

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Evangeline Mayford

"You're late." My mother hissed coldly and I sighed.

"It's my birthday and I don't really want to spend my time out here with people." I said as I looked around.

"Logan is here and you should be with him." My mother said as she gave me a glass of wine and pushed me towards where Logan is standing. I walked towards him and put a smile on my face.

"Hi, Logan." I greeted him and he turned to me looking at me lazily.

"Hi, Eva." He greeted me back. I stood beside him and slipped my arm to his.

"So.. I heard that you're going to Seattle next week. Should we go there together? We can use my private jet." I said and he shook his head.

"I have things to do in Miami tomorrow, I'll take a direct flight from there." He rejected my offer and this is not the first time he's acting like this.

"I can pick you up from Miami." I added hoping that he'll agree to my offer. He suddenly pushed my hand away and greeted a man that just walked in.

"Silas! Glad that you make it here!" Logan greeted him enthusiasticly and I rolled my eyes. How can he be that excited to see his friend than his own fiance?

"We need to grab a drink together after this." Logan said and the man nodded.

"I'm down." The man said and our eyes met. I looked at him annoyed and he looked at me confuse.

"Logan, you're not going to introduce me to your friend?" I asked in a sarcastic tone. Logan turned to me and he gave me a glare for a split second before ended up introducing me to his friend.

"Eva, this is Silas, my bestfriend. Silas this is-"

"Evangeline, Logan's fiance." I cut him and he put his hand out. I took it and Silas gave Logan a weird look before he smiled to me.

"Nice to meet you." Silas said in a friendly tone.

"Like wise." I said.

Silas Quinton

Logan invited me to a garden party since he can't ditch that party to hangout with me right away. I decided to come anyway since he told me that he needed my help too.

I came into the party and saw Logan standing near the bar section with a blonde woman. I'm guessing that is his fiancee that he hates so much that he rather kill himself than marrying that woman.

I walked to him and he hugged me tightly. As we're greeting each other, me and his fiancee's eyes met. She looked at me with her cold blue eyes and I don't even know why she looked at me like that when this is our first meeting.

She demanded Logan to introduced me to her. I learnt that her name is Evangeline. She's indeed look like a possessive fiance towards Logan. It was clear to me that she likes Logan but Logan doesn't give a fuck about her.

He always talks bad things about her and maybe that's why I have the same judgement as him even though I never met or know her until today.

Logan's eyes landed on something or someone. He grabbed my collar and whispered to me. "Help me and I'll owe you big time. Don't leave Eva and I'll give you a free consulting once for your new restaurant." He looked me in the eye and I nodded.

He immediately left and I stopped Evangeline from following him by giving her a glass of champagne. She looked at me confuse and I smiled to her.

"I heard that you and Logan were arranged together." I said and Evangeline nodded. Her eyes never left Logan and I turned to see Logan talking to a beautiful brunette woman. I turned to Evangeline and she's already looking at them coldly.

"You're his bestfriend, can you tell me what kind of woman he likes?" She put the glass down and she turned to me. She sighed and she looked around trying to find something.

"He likes wild woman, he's a playboy." I answered telling her the truth. I turned to Logan and saw him flirting with that woman.

"You know.. you-" When I turned to Evangeline, she's already gone. I immediately looked around and found her walking towards the food section. I decided to follow her and she grabbed a red velvet cupcake.

"You're suppose to mingle not to eat around, Eva." A man in his 60s approached her and I can immediately tell that's her dad. They both have the same features and he was not happy seeing his daughter grabbing a cupcake.

Eva didn't bother to turn or to reply what he said. She took a bite of her cupcake.

"Eating desserts will only make you fat!" Her dad hissed and left her. Evangeline was far from fat, she's underweight to be exact. People can tell immediately that she's not the type who likes to eat. She's about 5'6'' and she might weight about 110 pounds or maybe lower.

I walked to her and stood beside her. "Leave me alone." She hissed the second she saw me. I grabbed a cupcake and I can tell that she felt bad after saying that. I took a bite and turned to her.

"If you really want to get Logan's attention, you should try harder." I said trying to help her.

"I know." She grabbed another cupcake and walked away from me. She walked out from the venue and when I put the cupcake down, I saw her phone on the table. I grabbed it and walked out from the venue to give it back to her.

I saw her walking towards the toilet and as I approach her, she was standing in front of the toilet.. waiting. When the toilet door opened, she smudged the two cupcakes to the woman who just came out.

"What the fuck!" That's when I realized that the woman she smudged her cupcake was the woman who talked to Logan earlier.

"Oops.." Evangeline said and then she left her. I took out my phone and dialed Logan's number. I told Logan the situation briefly and he immediately told me that he'll go there. I decided to follow Evangeline out from the party.

"Do you feel good after doing that?" I asked and she turned to me. I showed her phone and she chuckled dryly.

"I think everyone knows that Logan is my fiance and.. we were arranged since we were a kid, so.. she should know her place." Evangeline said it without any emotions. She walked towards me ready to grab her phone but I put it higher so she won't able to reach it.

"Just because you two are engaged, it doesn't mean you can do that to people." I said coldly because I really hate her attitude right now.

"I don't care." She said as she tried to grab her phone again.

"You're acting like a highschool bully right now." I said and that's when her eyes changed. She looked at me coldly and angrily.

"I see why you and Logan are best friends." She smirked.

"You both are nothing but a judgemental person who-" She raised her tone to this point then she looked away. "Never mind, it's such a waste of time talking to a person like you. Take my phone if you want, I don't need it." She said and then she walked away. She was walking down the hill with her highheels and never look back.

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