Chapter 21 - Adorable

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Silas Quinton

After we got into the plane, I can see that Angel started to look uneasy. She tried not show it but it was obvious to me. We got into the first class and sat side by side but still there's a barrier between us.

I checked every minute to make sure that she's okay.

"Your dried berries." She said as she gave it to me.

"Thankyou." I said and she took out her chocolates. She gave it one to me without saying anything and I smiled.

"Are you sure, you're sharing this with me?" I asked and she nodded. The plane started to go slowly and I made sure she has her seatbelt on. It will be 13 hours flight so I don't want her to feel uneasy.

"Are you excited to go home?" Angel asked as she took a bite of her chocolate.

"Excited, I bet you'll love Dubai too. It's amazing to live there." I said as I grabbed a glass of champagne that the airstewardess gave me earlier.

"Can't wait." She said. The pilot announced that we'll be taking off soon. I turned to Angel and she looked more calm than earlier. The plane took off smoothly and I took out my iPad to check some of the new recipes that I made a few days ago.

"Silas." I turned to Angel.

"Hmm?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Nothing." She said as she turned back to watch her movie.

"What is it?" I asked and she shook her head.


"I'm just getting a little anxious. Can I.. hold your hand?" She asked as she avoided my eye contact. I reached out to her and she held my index finger like a child.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"This is my first time using public airplane." I looked at her disbelief. "I don't like it being around people. They always give me that judgy eyes and I felt it when I passed some people earlier." She said honestly and at the same time.. the seatbelt icon shut down. I got up and gestured her to wait. I got out from my seat and walked towards hers. She looked at me confuse.

I took off her seatbelt and pulled her body up. I sat down and put her on my lap. I wrapped my arms around her body.

"Better?" I asked and she nodded. She was watching Rush Hour on the screen and she leaned her body fully to me. Her vanilla scent started to fill my nose. I buried my head to her neck loving how she smells.

"He's funny." Angel giggled and I put my head on her shoulder.

"He is."

"What is your favorite movie?" She asked.

"All action movies and something like sherlock holmes." I said and she turned to me.


"Yeah and action comedy too." I nodded and she pouted.


"I like cheesy romance movies too, I bet for you it's boring." She said in a small tone and I shook my head. I kissed her cheek, "I will watch it with you if you want but I won't watch it alone."

"That's fair." She said as she turned back to the screen.

Evangeline Mayford

After the airstewardess saw us, she asked if we want to move to the seat that is connected with each other. Silas agreed right away and we both moved there. I asked the airstewardess to turn my seat into a bed.

I want to sleep so bad and Silas held my hands most of the time too. I'm so thankful for that. I slept right away as soon as I laid down.

"Angel.. wake up, let's eat." I opened my eyes slowly and Silas rubbed my arm.

"I bet you're hungry, come on." He added and I nodded. I sat up slowly and raised the chair up. Silas gave me a glass of water. The airstewardess started to put the food in front of me.

I looked at it and then I turned to Silas.

"I know it's not my cook but at least you should eat a little." He said and I nodded. I started to eat the chicken steak slowly.

"I want to eat your food." I mumbled as I looked at the piece that I just cut.

"I will make it for you once we get there." He said as he caressed my head. I glared at him and he pinched my cheek.

"We're 7 hours away, I promise I'll cook for you as soon as we get there." After I finished eating, I decided to watch another movie. This time, it's Twilight.

I'm team Jacob. As usual.. the second lead has to support another second lead. I felt like Jacob's love for Bella is so much bigger than Edward's.

I turned to Silas in the middle of me watching Twilight, Silas was already sleeping. I grabbed his hand because I just want to. I felt like he can comfort me just by holding my hand.

After watching Twilight and New Moon, I decided to sleep again. We still 4 hours away from Dubai and I can't wait to see Dubai with someone who loves Dubai so much.

Silas Quinton

I woke up and turned to see Angel sleeping. She was holding my hand while she's sleeping. I slowly let her go and went to the toilet. I washed my face too because I looked so tired. I checked my watch and we're an hour away.

I walked back to my seat and looked at Angel closely. I held her hand again but this time seeing her sleeping with lights on really fascinates me. She looked like a baby and it made me want to kiss her so bad. She looked so adorable.

I kissed the top of her head and brought my chair up. I started to read some e-books that I downloaded yesterday as we're waiting for the plane to land. 30 minutes before landing, the airstewardess asked me to wake Angel up.

I put her seat belt on and raised her chair slowly. I still want to let her sleep since she looked so tired.

"Are we going to land?" I turned to see her rubbing her eyes.

"Yeah, we're almost here." I said and she nodded.

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