Chapter 10 - Defend

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Evangeline Mayford

I decided to went shopping after checking our wedding venue. Shopping makes me feel better especially having a fight with Silas. I walked around buying clothes, perfumes and makeup with Mary. I brought a couple of bodyguards with me too.

I walked into the toilet and guess who I found? Lisa was washing her hands and she scoffed coldly when she saw me.

"Look who's here?" Lisa said in a cold tone.

"I bet you heard the news from Logan." I said as washed my hands beside her. I took out my red lipstick and put it on.

"Are you that desperate? Logan told me that Silas was willingly to take his place and marry you instead. Poor man, you don't deserve that man." I looked at myself in the mirror trying to fight this woman.

"I guess the rumours about you were right. You were born to ruin people's lives." She laughed sarcasticly. I put my lipstick back into my bag and started to wash my hands again but this time I splashed some of the water to her. She squealed angrily and she started to splashed water to me too.

I grabbed her hair and pinned her to the wall.

"Listen, Lisa.. if you think my marriage with Silas will stop me from getting Logan, you're wrong. Do you know how much power that I have in this society? I'm a billionaire and I can kill your career easily." I said as I pulled her hair more. She screamed in pain but I don't care a bit about it.

She scratched my neck with her long nails and that's when I slammed her body to the wall beside us.

"You don't want to mess with me, Lisa. Just because you have Logan under your feet, it doesn't mean the world revolves around you. I can easily destroy you and Logan together and you know that I'm merciless. Try to mess with me once again, get ready to be a homeless woman the next day." I said in a cold tone. I walked out from the toilet.

"You! You bitch!" I stopped when Lisa screamed. She took everyone's attention instantly.

"How dare you trying to take my man and forcing-" People were starting to record the situation and I walked closer to her.

"Forcing what? One more word from you, I'll see you at the streets tomorrow." I smirked and Lisa shut her mouth immediately.

"After I marry Silas, I'll marry Logan.. and you won't be able to do anything about it." I whispered to her ear and she slapped me. I turned to Mary and asked her to get rid of the videos that people record. I slapped Lisa back and pushed her hard.

"You're asking for it, I'll see you homeless tomorrow." I said and I won't play around with my words. Mary and my guards took care of everything. I turned around ready to go home but Silas was already standing there looking at me angrily.

He put his hands into his pocket and he took out his phone calling Logan. I walked pass him and ignored him calling my name again and again. I walked out from the mall and walked towards the road to take a taxi.

"What's wrong with you?!" Silas stopped me by pulling me back towards the parking lot.

"What? You saw what happened earlier! Why are you asking me when you know what happened?!" I bursted angrily at him as I tried to push his hand away. He grabbed my other hand and held it tightly making hard for me to move.

"Let me go!" I hissed as I kept trying to get away from him.

"Evangeline!" He bursted and that stopped me.

"I don't know what's the deal with you and Lisa but slapping and pushing her down to the ground is not the answer. You're 25 years old and all you need to do is ignore her bec-"

"Ignore her? Ignore her you say? Oh.. you're saying that I should just stand there when she almost hit me with her car? You're saying that I should stand still when some girl wants to kill me with a vase on her hand? You're saying I should just stay still when another girl dunk my head to a toilet bowl?!" I bursted angrily at him that I could feel my lungs hurting.

"You don't know anything about my life, Silas. You will never understand how hard it's like to be Evangeline Mayford. I've been holding for months to not destroy that woman and here you are.. defending other people when you said you'll defend me." I laughed sarcasticly.

Suddenly Silas put my hair to the back and he saw the scratch that Lisa gave me. He then checked my cheek where Lisa slapped me.

"I don't need your pity, defend her all you like but tomorrow, she'll be on the streets." I said angrily as I pushed his hand away. I walked towards the street again to grab a taxi when Silas picked me up on his shoulder.

"Silas! Put me down!" I screamed as I punched his back. I kept hitting his back but he doesn't budge a bit. He kept walking with me on his shoulder like a rice sack.

He put me down once we got to his car. He opened the door for me but I don't even want to be in the same space as him. He will only defend Lisa and trying to convince me to not destroy Lisa.

"Get in." He said as he pointed at the car.

"I know what you're trying to do, I'm not dumb!" I hissed as I crossed my arms.

"What? Are you a psychic? Tell me.. what do you think I'm trying to do?" He asked as he looked at me completely tired with my attitude.

"You're going to give me a long speech of how to be a kind woman. I bet you'll convince me to not destroy Lisa. I bet you'll add that violence is not the answer like what you said earlier in the day." I hissed.

"Wrong. You said I don't know you and you don't know me either. I'm not stopping you from destroying Lisa, I'm not going to give you a long speech either. I'm taking you to the hospital to get that treat or else you won't be able to wear that beautiful wedding dress that you tried earlier." He said as he slowly walked closer to me. I took a step back not trusting what he said.

"We're getting married in 5 days, Eva. I'm not letting my future wife have a scratch on her neck on her wedding day." He said as he put his hand in front of me. His phone rang and he turned off his phone without even seeing the caller.

"Evangeline." He said and I shook my head. I took another step back and decided to turn around. The emotions within me started to blow up.

I never used to this kind of feeling, this kind of defend from someone. I don't like it. I'm so used to people hating on me all the time that I can't even believe that I'm experiencing this.

I walked towards the road again.. but this time Silas didn't chase me. I took a taxi and went straight back home.

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