Chapter 18 - Forever

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Evangeline Mayford

My first and last wedding.

I looked at myself in the mirror in my wedding dress and let out a long sigh. I heard a knock on the door and my parents walked in. I turned around to them and my parents gave me a hug.

They didn't say a lot about my wedding but they support it. Back when I wanted to marry Logan, my mom likes the idea since Logan is one of those men who has the same level as me. We both came from a rich family, educated and pretty much goes around in the same society.

But now.. I'm marrying someone who is a little different from Logan. Silas is a more down to earth person. He's rich too but not as rich as me. He and his family lives comfortably and not trying to flash their money to people.

That's what makes him.. so lovable to a lot of people.

I don't deserve him, I don't think no woman deserve him. He's too kind, too patient, too nice and just too perfect.

I swore to myself, that in two months I would leave him but he will be my first and last husband. I have decided to not get married again after this. God gave me a chance to be happy for a brief moment before I go back to the cruel world and have someone else steal Silas away from me.

Be selfish is a must in my dictionary but I slowly start learning not to be selfish when it comes to Silas. I can say that I.. started to give in more than usual.

"What do you want for your wedding gift, darling?" My mom asked and I shook my head.

"How about a full one month honeymoon?" My dad suggested and I shook my head. "I don't need anything, I'm fine." I said and they smiled.

"Silas seems like a nice man." My mom said and I nodded. "He is.. he is a really nice man." There's a knock on the door and it's one of the wedding organizer's staff telling me to get ready.

My mom left the room leaving me and my dad alone. My dad held my hand and smiled.

"I really want you to be happy, Eva. I hope he can give you happiness that you deserve." He said and I nodded. We walked out together towards the main venue.

Suddenly something inside of me encouraging me to runaway. I know I will only bring trouble for Silas and will only preventing him from meeting good and beautiful woman out there.

They announced the the bride will come in and people stood up. I walked slowly with my dad and I looked straight at Silas. Guilt started to fill my heart but I tried to hard to be selfish.

I want to be selfish and still want this. I want to be selfish to experience happiness even though it's only two months. When it comes to Silas, I want to be more selfish than usual even though my heart always told me to let him go.. or runaway before things get more serious and me having a big attachment issues.

My dad handed my hand to Silas and I started to become more nervous. My heart was racing. "You look beautiful." He said and I mouthed thank you. I wanted to runaway after I looked at him. I started to hold his hand loosely ready to run but he held my hand tightly.

I turned to the priest and he started to blessed us by giving us some bible verses about us going to be one as a couple. I looked down to the ground most of the time until we have to say vows. Silas started first and I was so nervous.

"I, Silas Quinton, take you, Evangeline Mayford, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward." We both looked at each other intensely and I tried to say it to myself that I have to get over this and just marry him.

"for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love." When he said the word love, I felt sick in the pit of my stomach. Love is something that I won't hear in the future especially from him.

"and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy law, in the presence of God I make this vow." He ended his vow and now it's my turn. I looked down to our hands intertwining. I took a big breath and looked up to him.

"I, Evangeline Mayford, take you, Silas Quinton, to be my wedded husband. To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish till death do us part. And here to I pledge you my faithfulness." I said slowly without looking away from him. There's a long pause before I continued my vows because the next part will eat me back after two months.

"I love you Silas Quinton as I love no other." I said slowly and that's when I choked myself. Tears started to fill my eyes, I already know the ending to this story. Might as well say it once in my life time. I looked down to our hands and bit my bottom lips.

"All that I am I share with you. I take you to be my husband through health and sickness, through plenty and want, through joy and sorrow, now and.. and.. and forever." I finished my vow and tried to badly to not tear up.

The priest instructed us to put each other rings. He took the ring and slipped it to my finger slowly. I looked at it and still have the thoughts to runaway. I grabbed his ring and I looked up to him.

"I'm sorry, Silas." I mouthed without any sound. My heart was aching as I slowly put the ring to his finger. I choked even more and tears filled my eyes more.

"I pronounce you.. Husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." When the priest announced it, I can't even count how many times I apologized to Silas secretly. Silas kissed me and I can't hold my tears anymore. He kissed me softly and I felt so bad.

For the first time in my life, I felt so bad for being selfish and drag this innocent and kind man into marriage. He did want to teach me what's the meaning of ownership is. He wanted me to learn that me being selfish will only cause trouble and pain to the other person.

People were clapping their hands and congratulating us none stop. Silas' families came and they started to give me hugs and invitation to go over to their house for dinner or for some big holidays. It was overwhelming but for the first time in my life.. I felt that I belong in a family.

I owed Silas for a life time. I was ready to trade eveything that I have just for this to be forever instead of two months.

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