Chapter 20 - Good Job

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Silas Quinton

Angel was sitting on the bed watching Netflix as I walked out from the bathroom after showering. I sat on the bed beside her and she was watching Brigeton.

As soon as I sat down, she lowered down the volume and put on the subtitles.

"I wanna watch it too, you can turn up the volume." I said and she nodded. I sat closer to her and she was looking at the TV intensely.

"Have you watch this?" She asked and I shook my head.

"It's really good, I've watched it 7 times already." I turned to her disbelief.


"It's a good love story." I turned to the TV and Angel leaned her head to my shoulder. I put my arm around her and decided to just pull her to my lap. I wrapped my arms around her stomach and she leaned her body to me.

"So.. he hates her?" I asked after watching for a moment.

"Do you think so?" She asked.

"He looks like it, it's like they're going to kill each other." I said and she chuckled.

"I'm not going to spoil it for you, you should watch it all." We kept watching it together until I noticed that Angel starting to lean forward.

"Hey." I patted her lightly and she turned to me. She looked sleepy making me laugh secretly. "That's it, let's go to sleep." I said and she nodded. She got off from my lap and laid her body beside me.

I turned off the TV and turned off the lights. I laid beside her and she wrapped her arms around my body and I pulled her closer. I kissed the top of her head and closed my eyes.

Evangeline Mayford

"Wake up, sleepy head.. We have a plane to catch." Silas whispered it to my ears.

"It's 9." That made me open my eyes right away. I turned to Silas in horror and he laughed.

"I'm joking, it's 8." I glared at him and he got up. He walked into the bathroom first and I got off the bed. I walked out to the kitchen to grab some milk and cereal because I'm hungry.

"I made you breakfast on the dining table!" I heard Silas shout from the bedroom. I looked at the dining table and he already made me bacon and eggs. I walked there with my bowl full of cereal. I ate my cereal first and ate the bacon and eggs.

"Did you eat ice cream?" Silas walked towards me.

"Yeah." I said wanting to see his reaction.

"Angel, it's freaking eigh-" He stopped when he saw my cereal and I chuckled.

"Got you!" I smirked and he shook his head. He grabbed some water and I got up to take a shower so we can go to the airport right away. I walked into the bathroom and took a quick shower. I put my robe on and started to put on my makeup and do my hair.

I changed into a white hoodie with black leggings. I walked out and grabbed my bag to check all the things that I need one more time before going.

"We look like a couple." I turned to see him wearing white hoodie too.

"You're ready to go?" I asked and he nodded. We walked out from the bedroom together and locked it. I walked to the kitchen to grab some chocolates. I walked to grab my luggage but Silas already helped me.

When we walked out from the penthouse, my guards helped us bring the luggage. We went down and got into the car. My driver drove us to the airport.

We went into the airport through the VIP section and they checked us in. We walked to the VIP lounge area but I wanted to go to the duty free section.

I grabbed the end of his hoodie and walked towards the food section.

"I thought you bring your chocolates earlier?" Silas said and I nodded.

"It won't be enough, what do you want?" I asked as I looked at all the food on the shelves. I grabbed almonds and more small chocolates. Silas grabbed dried berries and an energy drink.

"Silas? Is that you?" I turned to see a man approaching Silas. I started to get nervous because I know what the public sees in me. I started to walk backwards slowly.

As I was going to turn around, Silas grabbed my hand. "This is my wife, Evangeline. Angel, this is my highschool friend, Tyler." I smiled nervously.

"Nice to meet you, Evangeline." Tyler said.

"Likewise." I said and Silas wrapped his arm around my waist.

"I thought you're in Dubai, that's why I was so surprised to see you here." He said and Silas chuckled.

"I'm going back and forth. How about you? How's being an architect?" Silas asked and I excused myself to find other food. I gave Tyler a small smile before slipping away from Silas.

I looked around and decided to buy more dried berries. The one that Silas picked, it seems he likes dried berries.

I walked to the cashier and paid for it.

"Fancy seeing you here, I heard you're already married." I turned to see Cassidy. I decided to ignore her and she scoffed coldly.

"How much do you pay him?" She mocked me and I sighed. I clenched my fist ready to punch her right on the face. She really got on my nerves since years ago. I was about to smack the shit out of her when Silas grabbed my hand.

"I'm sorry, we don't talk to strangers." Silas said and I grabbed when I bought earlier before going out from the duty free store. Silas dragged me away from that store and he stopped right at Starbucks.

"Next time, let me deal with her!" I hissed and Silas shook his head.

"You're neck scar is not even healed yet."

"I still have other skin left!" I hissed and he chuckled. He pulled me into a hug and caressed my back.

"You did a great job back there."

"I bought your dried berries." I mumbled.

"Let's get some coffee! I'll buy you a cheese cake, how's that?"

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