Chapter 17 - Wedding

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Silas Quinton

Today is my wedding day. I was nervous all of the sudden after wearing my tuxedo. My parents walked into the waiting room and they didn't say anything about me going to marry her for two months. They just congratulate me and gave me a long hug.

Sean then came and said that he's happy for me. Even though it's only for two months, at least I really have to play a good husband role. He reminded me that Evangeline might be difficult but I'll get use to it eventually.

Then.. Logan and Timmy came in.

"Congratulations on the wedding, buddy. Even though we know that I'll only last for a solid two months." Timmy said as he gave me a hug. I nodded an thanked him.

"Congratulations, Silas. I owe you big time and I'll make sure I really owe you for a life time." Logan said and I chuckled. He gave me a hug and I nodded.

"It's only for two months." I said to myself.

"It's not to late to back down, I know you've been suffering." Timmy said and I looked at them both. I shook my head.

"It's been fun actually, she's fascinating." I said truthfully and Timmy laughed.

"You will feel free as hell once you go back to Dubai." Timmy said and I shrugged. Suddenly there's a knock on the door, one of the wedding organizer staff told me that I should get ready.

We walked out together and of course, Logan and Timmy are my best man. They walked in first and then I walked down the aisle. There's about 100 people in the wedding venue but most of them are my families. Angel only invited Mary, her maids, her parents and some trusted employees that she has at the office. She invited Nancy too who happened to be her nanny when she was a kid.

I stood on the end of the aisle and they announced that the bride is entering. Angel stood there with her dad and the second that I saw her.. my heart was beating fast, something within me moved.

She's so beautiful and I just realized it now. She's fucking beautiful that some people aren't just that worthy to see her beauty. She smiled at me nervously and again.. it was so rare to see her smile.

Her dad handed his daughter's hand to me and he let out a long sigh but it wasn't a sign that he doesn't care. It was a sign of that he still can't believe that he's sending his daughter to marriage today. He looked me straight in the eye and then he walked back to his place.

I turned to Angel and she smiled nervously. "You look beautiful." I said and she mouthed thank you. I held her tightly when she held my hand loosely. I could feel her hand is sweating and I rubbed it trying to comfort her.

We turned to the priest and gave him a signal to start. He started to blessed us by giving us some bible verses then we have to say our vows. We both looked at each other.

"I, Silas Quinton, take you, Evangeline Mayford, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward." I looked straight into her eyes and there was hesitation in her eyes. It was clear but I found myself keep going.

"for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love." I stopped for a moment when I said love. Our marriage has no love involve and will never will.

"and to cherish, till death us do part, according to God's holy law, in the presence of God I make this vow." I'm sorry God, forgive me.

Evangeline looked down to our hands and she looked back to me. She looked straight into my eyes.

"I, Evangeline Mayford, take you, Silas Quinton, to be my wedded husband. To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish till death do us part. And here to I pledge you my faithfulness." She said and when the priest going to continue. "I love you Silas Quinton as I love no other." She said and that my whole body froze. Her eyes started to water and then she looked down to our hands.

"All that I am I share with you. I take you to be my husband through health and sickness, through plenty and want, through joy and sorrow, now and.. and.. and forever." She said and turned to the priest to continue.

He instructed us to put each other rings. I took her ring first and put it on her slowly. She looked at the ring intensely as it slowly slip in through her finger. She then grabbed my ring and she looked at me. She mouthed something as she put the ring to my finger.

"I pronounce you.. Husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." People were clapping their hands and I slipped my arms around her waist. I leaned my face to her and kissed her lips slowly. As our lips touched, I could feel tears coming down from her eyes.

As I pulled back slowly, she wiped her tears quickly and she smiled to the crowd. We both looked at each other and people were congratulating us as we walked down the aisle.

We took a picture with the whole family and my families started to take interest in knowing Angel. That started to surround her with hugs and lots of questions. I'm glad that they love her, even my parents doesn't protest about her anymore.

"Son, can I talk to you?" I turned to Angel's dad, Mason Mayford. I nodded and we walked a little further from the crowd.

"Please take care of my daughter, we might not be the best parents out there but.. we genuinely want her to be happy." He said as he patted my shoulder and I nodded.

"I will, sir. Don't worry."

"If you need anything, let us know.. you're apart of our family now." He said and I smiled.

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