Chapter 27 - Kids

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Silas Quinton

I woke up early in the morning and I sat on the edge of the bed beside Angel. She nearly gave me a heart attack earlier at dawn. When I don't found her beside me, I immediately walked out to the living room thinking that she would be there but she was no where to be found.

I could feel my heart dropped to the ground. I was on panic, I called her phone and it rang from our bedroom. She went out with her sandals and leaving without taking her phone. I was frustrated and I called my apartment security to help me find her. I was not on my right mind.

I was panicking and then they told me that we could check CCTV footage together but she came in after that.

I looked out the window and sighed. She really doesn't know how much I worried about her. For the first time in my life, I felt powerless knowing that she's out there. I walked out from my apartment and I never thought about the convenience store because I was sure that she would never go there.

I was stupid to think about it, she's not predictable and I have to keep that in mind.

I walked out from the room and walked to the kitchen. I started to cook for breakfast because I have plans for us after this. After I cooked eggs and bacon, I walked to my room to wake her up.

"Angel, wake up." I patted her hand and she opened her eyes slowly. She sat up and nodded.

"I made you breakfast and let's get ready. We're going somewhere today." I grabbed my clothes and went out to the bathroom to take a quick shower. After that, Angel immediately got into the shower. She got ready pretty quickly and she wore a short white dress today.

"I'm ready." She said and I nodded. We walked out and went straight to the basement. I drove out from the apartment building and went straight to the Dubai Mall. My friend helped me to get the annual pass to the Dubai Aqurium and Underwater Zoo.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see." I said and she nodded.

"I hope you're not mad at me anymore." She said and I turned to her when I stopped my car at the red light.

"Don't scare me like that next time." I said and she nodded. I caressed her head and smiled.

"We're going to have fun today, I want you to enjoy it."

"Okay." I drove into the Dubai Mall's parking lot and parked my car there. We walked into the mall and the big aquarium greeted us right away. I turned to see Angel's reaction and she was so fascinated by it. She couldn't stop looking at it.

"Silas!" I turned to see my friend, Abe. I gave him a hug and I was so happy to see him.

"Abe, this is my wife, Evangeline. Angel, this is Abe, my friend who.. kinda owns Dubai Aquarium." I said and Abe chuckled.

"He's joking, I just work there." Abe said laughing.

"Nice to meet you, Evangeline." He said and Angel said the same. He turned to me, "How come you didn't invite me to your wedding?! I never even know you have a girlfriend." He smacked my chest playfully.

"It was a small wedding and we had it in New York." I said and he chuckled. He gave me the tickets and I thanked him. He told me that I can access everything with that ticket and experience a lot of things inside. He then excused himself because he has a lot of work.

"So? What do you think? Excited to see the aquarium?" I asked as I held her hand.

"Yes." She said and we went up to the entrance. Everytime there's an aquarium, she always have her eyes on it. We switched our tickets with a bracelete and we walked inside.

"Sharks." She said as she looked up to the aquarium and I chuckled seeing her. She was like a little kid who never been to an aquarium before. Everything she saw was so fascinating to her.

"Penguins." She said as she pointed at it. She even squad down to look at it closer.

"Let's go here." I said as I led her to the glass bottom boat rides. She was so invested to see the fish that she didn't hear that they instruct us to wear a life jacket. I grabbed one for her and put it on.

"Come on, let's get on the boat." I said and we got into the boat with a couple and their son. I let her sit near at the corner and she looked down to the glass as the staff explained about the aquarium.

"Miss." I turned to see the little kid came to us and gave us chocolates. I turned to the couple and smiled. I thanked them and thanked the little boy. The little boy held on to Angel's hands and she didn't know that to do.

"Charlie, come here.. let's see the fishes." His parents called him and he ran back to them.

"He's cute." I heard Angel saying in a small tone. She then turned her attention to the water outside the boat. After we finished the ride, we walked out and I helped her to take off the life jacket. I gave her one of the chocolates and she ate it right away. She kept looking at Charlie who walked away with his parents.

"You want kids?" I asked and she choked on her chocolate. She turned to me and I raised my eyebrows.

"I want to see the crocodiles." She said and she walked away. I chuckled seeing her reaction and I followed her.

Kids? Why did I even ask that?

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