Chapter 44

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Emmeline arrived early at the estate and went immediately to Lady Margaret's chamber. She knew better than to keep her waiting. 

"You look unwell," she said bluntly as Emmeline entered. 

"It is so lovely to see you as well Lady Margaret. I pray you had a pleasant holiday."

"It was nice and quiet. Too quiet for my taste. The earl should have had a large gathering as it was his first Twelfth Night in Abbotshire in many years."

Emmeline walked over to her and began to examine Lady Margaret.

"He hosted one before the winter season though, a quite grand one. Perhaps he just wanted a quiet holiday with his daughter."

"Yes but he only danced with my Lydia once," She harrumphed as Emmeline gingerly maneuvered her shoulder, "It does not matter now though. She is in London and she knows her place. I am eagerly awaiting a letter from my sister about her engagement."

Emmeline froze.

"Has she met someone?"

"No, but I am certain she will. I was hoping she and the earl would make a match but it seems he had not interest in her advances. I was going to keep her home this season to see if I could secure the match but after the ball it seemed my work was in vain and I sent her to London before Christmas." Emmeline's fingers suddenly tensed as she massaged Lady Margaret's arm.

"You're hurting me child." 

Emmeline tried to regain her composure.

"I am sorry my lady, but the earl has lost interest in Lydia?" 

"I am not sure if he even had any interest in her at all. She did put on a good show though. It was good practice for London I daresay. She will make a good match, I am sure of it."

"Oh, of course she will. I will look forward to news of her engagement. Have any new pains developed? I do not notice any new twinges, but I know the winter months can be tough on one's bones."

"No, just the usual ones that come with the cold season. I have been drinking the goldenrod elixir daily as you have advised, which has helped some of the pains."

"I am glad it is working. I do believe a daily walk might help improve some of your ailments as well. It is easier to do in summer I know, but it will help circulate the blood better. I would be happy to walk with you next week if you would like some companionship. I am sure one of the maids would be happy to walk with you as well. I know it must be hard without Lydia around."

"I will wait to walk until you are here next week. I do not always trust the maids."

"Of course, my lady. I will leave some more elixir with the cook. Is there anything else you require of me?"

"No, you will come back next week, correct? I didn't like that other doctor."

"Of course ma'am." Emmeline smiled to herself as she left the room. That comment was as good as an "I love you" from Lady Margaret.

As she left the house, a footman nearly trampled her on his horse. She looked at his uniform. He was not one of Lady Margaret's servants. It was the colors of Mooreland Park.

"Miss Somers, you are requested immediately."


It was only a minor fall. His horse had made too eager of a jump over the stream and Daniel was dislodged from it. Had he not landed in the stream no one would have noticed but he returned to the manor soaking wet. There was no reason for anyone to make a fuss, but Mrs. Ellis was quite worried. So Miss Somers was called. 

"One can never be too careful, my lord. I do not wish for whatever injury you obtained earlier to get worse, and you know Miss Somers would box your ears if she found out that you did not call."

"You were the one that insisted I let her be." Daniel said as Mrs. Ellis assisted him to his bed.

"That was before you got hurt. She is the healer after all, and she treated you the last time. She knows your history with that arm better than anyone. I already have sent a footman to go find her."

"Please keep Matilda occupied then. I do not wish to worry her unnecessarily. Nor do I want her to bombard Miss Somers right away."

"Of course sir, I shall have her make fairy cakes with me. The fairy queen is returning after all. Perhaps after she takes care of you she would like to help." 

Daniel shot Mrs. Ellis a look.

"Please do not involve my daughter in any of your schemes. I will not hold Miss Somers captive. She will treat me then she is free to go as she wishes."

"Whatever you say, my lord." 

Daniel rolled his eyes before he turned away from Mrs. Ellis. He waited until he heard the door close before he allowed himself to readjust. He was actually in a great deal of pain and thankful someone would be coming to take care of him.

"Focus on something other than the pain, a happy thought," He reminded himself of what he told Matilda, "a happy dream of the fairies perhaps."


Hi everyone!

We have about one or two more chapters until this story is done! Can you believe it? 

I have loved and appreciated all of y'all's support on this project. I never thought so many people would it.

I do want to take my time on the next update as this will be some of the last scenes in this book and I want to try to make it perfect.

Until then, I need y'all's help deciding who's story comes next.

1. Charles

2. Lydia 

3. Susanna 

I have a few great ideas for all of them but I want to know who YOU want to hear about next.

I do read all of your comments and I appreciate the love. I'm just horrible at replying to them.

Also have y'all gotten on the Bridgerton train? I watched over winter break and I was obsessed with it. I can't decide who my favorite Bridgerton brother is though. I'm stuck between Anthony and Benedict. Who's yours? 

Eloise is obviously a queen.

Anyway, sorry for the rambling if you made it this far.

Love y'all!


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