Chapter 45

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Daniel was roused slightly from his slumber by water droplets hitting him. "Is there a leak in the roof that needs to be repaired?" He wondered as he willed himself to go back to sleep. The pain in his shoulder was nearly gone. Perhaps it was only minor bruising and not the great fall that Mrs. Ellis was sure that it was.

The droplets were quite persistent and Daniel knew he would not be able to sleep again until it was fixed. He would call to his valet and arrange to sleep in one of the guest chambers until Miss Somers arrived.

He heard a small hiccup beside him.

He was not alone.

He opened his eyes slowly and took in the world around him. His right arm was back in a sling and there was a small delicate hand holding his left. He realized then that it was not rain that was dampening his arm, but tears.

"Miss Somers, are you alright?" He croaked, his voice caught in his throat.

"Y-you have woken, my lord?"

Daniel looked up at Emmeline and saw her tear stained cheeks. Instinctively, he tried to move his right arm to move them away but it had been put in a sling.

"It appears as though I have. I am quite confused as to how I ended up with this, however." He laughs, lifting his right arm slightly. "How long have I been resting for?"

"Three days sir. We were quite afraid we lost you." Emmeline gestured to Matilda, who had fallen asleep on the settee by the fire. "It appears your small tumble was far worse than what you told Aunt Ellis."

Emmeline inhaled sharply. She removed her hand from Daniel's and rose from her spot.

"You must be quite hungry sir. I shall ring for a tray to be sent up."

"I am fine Emmeline. My only wish is for you to come sit with me again."

Emmeline froze at the use of her first name.

"Please come sit with me. You, my dear friend, look as if you may collapse yourself. Let us enjoy the silence together."

"Are you sure you are quite all right? It is okay if you desire to rest some more. I have brought my ledgers to keep me occupied while I waited."

"Your ledgers? You should not be in financial strain anymore."

"I am not, but I do need to keep up with the work," Emmeline paused, "How did you know I had financial issues?" She got up suddenly and walked towards the window.

Daniel didn't say a word as Emmeline began to pace.

"It was you wasn't it?" She spins around to look at him accusatory, "You were the one who paid it. But how, why?"

Daniel hesitated for a moment before answering.

"Your father requested I help him handle the financials a few months ago, when Matilda stayed with you. He wanted to make sure you were taken care of."

"So you simply paid it off without consulting me? I am a capable woman, Daniel. I knew of the finances and I had a plan, a plan that would keep the practice afloat. Why didn't you talk to me? Why would you do such a thing for me?" She began to pace again.

"Miss Somers, please sit. You clearly have not slept in several days." Daniel began to rise from the bed slowly, "I will explain it to you, although I thought it was rather obvious."

"What was obvious?" Emmeline spun around to look Daniel but collapsed.

"Emmeline are you alright?" Daniel asked in a panic.

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