Chapter 14

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"Papa, Reverend James is stopping by today. I told him to just come right up. He has a parishioner to attend to in the morning but he should be here by luncheon. I have some food prepared by the fireplace if the two of  you get hungry. I am going to Mooreland Park to attend to Matilda. Please do not wait for me to return. In the morning I shall tell you all about my adventures."

"You still have not told me of your adventure with Lady Wilbourn, or Ms. Louisa."

"I shall tell you all about my adventures when I see you tomorrow morning if only you tell me of yours with Reverend James."

"Of course my dear. Now I do not wish to keep the earl waiting. I will speak with you tomorrow."

"Goodbye Papa."


"Hello?Is Gideon Somers here? I was sent by Emmeline."

"In here." Gideon shouts. Reverend Ellis enters soon after.

"Good afternoon Mr. Somers, my name is James Ellis. I am the priest at the local parish. Your daughter asked me to come."

"Of course, Reverend Ellis please do sit down. I wish I was able to take you into the parlor but I'm not getting around much these days."

"So I've heard. Your daughter has disclosed to me a bit about your ailments."

"Yes, I haven't been mobile for a few years now. My Emmy has taken on almost all of my duties."

"She is doing a fine job too, she managed to find a cure for my aching back."

"A little valerian mixed with your morning tea?"

"Yes, how did you know?"

"It's something my late wife used to help many. It was one of the first remedies Emmeline learned."

"When did your wife pass, if I may ask?"

"In early November, 15 years ago. She had worn herself out. We were journeying back from a hard healing session where she had to be awake for 30 hours.I begged her to go rest, telling her that I could be without her for a few hours but she refused. I didn't fight her because I knew I would lose. She always worked too hard. The family offered a place for us to rest once we had finished with the patient but she insisted we returned home to Emmeline. I could see she was unfit to travel. Her voice had become softer and her movements that of a drunkard, but we still left. That night was the first true cold winter night of the season, but we still trekked onward, the two of us sharing a horse. Even as snow began to fall and I told her of several houses we could find lodging in she wanted to be with Emmeline for the first snowfall of the season. About halfway back to the house she became limp in my arms. I rushed the horse as fast as I could back to the house, but I knew she wouldn't last until morning. I carried her into the house and found Emmeline awake by our bedside, waiting. I was amazed, even at that young age she knew that someone was sick. I placed Ellie down on the bed. I tried my best to provide her with medicines but it was more to pacify Emmeline than to actually save her. That night Emmeline sat by her mother's bedside and repeated all of the stories Ellie used to tell her when she was sick. She kept telling me she was giving her mother the healing colors that she had given her, pouring all of her five year old wisdom into Ellie. She finally passed at dawn. After she took her final breath an unseasonable rainbow had appeared out that window over there," Gideon says, pointing to one on the other side of the room, "and Emmeline said to me 'look Papa,  Mama is still here, she's in all of the colors right there' gesturing towards the rainbow and I cried. Emmeline came over and she held me, repeating all the colors of the rainbow over and over again."

"I am so sorry for your loss Mr. Somers."

"The colors came back to me eventually and I began my work again with Emmeline as my personal apprentice. I sent her off to get proper schooling so she may one day take my place. A few months after her return I got sick. I was still able to provide care but I would only be going out a few days a week and Emmeline soon fully took over as the apothecary for the area. I knew it was quite unconventional for a female to do such work but I could not stop her from doing it. After the night of her mother's death I knew I had to allow her the chance to become a healer, for she began healing me within seconds of her mother's death, her own grief forgotten .It is her turn to have a true adventure and I've seen it begin to happen in the past few weeks. She and I both know my time is coming soon and I know Emmeline asked you here so that you may help me transition to the afterlife, but I know I will be all right. The Lord sent me my Eleanor to help save others, then my Emmeline to save me. When I pass I shall join my beloved in the sky and we shall help our girl heal others as she has healed us."

"My good sir I have listened to hundreds of sermons on death and mourning but none have compared to the story you have told me today. You are truly a man of God. I wish you well in your transition to the afterlife."

"Thank you, I do not know when it will be but if we are to meet again in this world I do not wish to discuss this again. I am quite content living out my last few months on this earth as present as I possibly can. It is why I ask my Emmeline for her stories, I want to be fully here until I return to my eternal home."

"Of course, if you need anything spiritually or otherwise please let me know. My wife and I wish to extend an open invitation to our home to you and your daughter both. Your wife was like kin to mine so therefore you and Emmeline are too."

"Thank you Reverend."

"Of course, peace be with you."


"So Matilda, what adventures are we to have today?" Emmeline asks, straightening her dress in the process.

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