Chapter 18

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Emmeline's garden is pictured above


"Mr. Somers, it is a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance. Your daughter has spoken so kindly of you, I was eager to meet the man in the flesh." Daniel says, extending his hand to the elderly gentleman. He prayed the man would not feel the perspiration that had developed from nerves.

"Lord Daniel, little miss, thank you for honoring our humble home with your presence." Gideon replies, taking Daniel's hand in a vise-like grip. Despite his weakened state, his handshake was still quite strong.

"May I get you all anything? I realize it is not quite luncheon yet but I can prepare you all a plate and some tea." Emmeline says quickly.

"No thank you my dear, why don't you go out and show the little one the garden. I am sure she and I will have time to have a little fun later." Gideon says, smiling at the young girl.

"At least let me put the kettle on for some tea. You need to be drinking it anyway to keep away your infection, and I am sure our guest could use a refreshment before his journey." Emmeline says authoritatively, sending her father a warning glance. She walks over to the kitchen and puts the kettle over the fire. She walks with a poise about her that suggests she was used to running the household. Her movements were very decided and precise. She was quite conscious of the three pairs of eyes moving about. Matilda's were wandering about the room, but the two men's gazes held steady. Lord Hargrave was watching her intently, as he had been since he arrived. Her father was looking at Lord Hargrave like a puzzle he was trying to figure out. Emmeline waited for the kettle to boil and began preparing more leaves to place in it once the water was sufficiently hot.
"Are you Miss. Emmy's father?" Matilda asks innocently, breaking the silence.

"Indeed I am, I shall have to tell you some stories of when she was a little one like yourself later on." Gideon replies. The water begins to boil and Emmeline takes it from the fire and pours it into a porcelain teapot over the tea leaves.

"Really?" Matilda asks. Emmeline hastily puts the pot and two cups on a tray, adding a small container of cream and and sugar on it as well. She takes the tray over to the two men and places it on the table. She pours two cups, adding a bit of sugar to one, then hands it to her father.

"Why of course!" Gideon says, taking the cup from his daughter. Emmeline looks to Daniel for what he wants in his tea. Daniel points to the cream subtly and Emmeline adds a bit, not saying a word then hands the cup to him. Gideon watches the whole exchange silently before returning to Matilda, "Your Miss. Emmy was quite the character. Now run along child. I will send your father down to say a proper goodbye when I am done speaking to him." Emmeline holds out her hand and Matilda takes it eagerly. Emmeline quickly kisses her father's cheek then curtsies to Daniel.

The pair leave and the two men sit in silence for a few moments.

"I wish to thank you for your kindness. I know it is not the most normal of circumstances but your daughter is the only one mine trusts in the village as of now, and I could not bare to bring her back to town. "

"The entirety of this situation is not normal," Gideon quips, "and to some may even consider it scandalous. The relationship you and your daughter have with my Emmy is quite odd, wouldn't you agree, my lord?"

"It is unusual but you surely must know there isn't anything improper going on. You know your daughter well enough to know she wouldn't do anything so foolish, and I hope you think highly enough of me as a father that I would do no such thing."

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