Chapter 30

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Late October

Her father's condition had continued to get worse as the months dragged on. What broke Emmeline's heart the most was that he was ready to leave. Her mother always said that the soul sometimes leaves before the body does. She knew he was ready.He wanted to see his wife again, that Emmeline was sure of. No one had a love that compared to their's. It was a love match. Emmeline knew there was something special about them when she was growing up. Most parents she saw didn't look at each other the way her mother and father did. Urging him to live just for her sake would be cruel. He had been without his soulmate for far too long.

 She arranged for Reverend Ellis to meet with him every few days to help his soul prepare. It also gave Emmeline a reprieve from caring for him for a few moments. Not that she minded tending to her father. It just broke her heart every time they spoke. All she could do was try to make him comfortable. She read to him nearly every night, rereading the beloved books from her childhood and reminiscing with him. Often he would fall asleep after only a few pages, but Emmeline read on, if only for her own sake. The novels reminded her of how she and her father survived after her mother's passing. They would spend hours in the shop then spend their nights reading novels with valiant heroes on white horses. They gave her young self a sense of hope. She knew now not to hope for someone to rescue her. She would have to do it all herself.

She wrote to her father's friends about his condition. Dr. Keller sent his condolences and a promise to visit as soon as he could, but it was one of the busiest times of the year for apothecaries and he wasn't sure he could leave his practice. 


Mr. O'Malley came almost immediately. He rushed through the door of the shop with such force it completely startled Emmeline. He went to her and took her hands in his and gave them a fatherly squeeze.

"My dear, I am so sorry.I would've been here sooner had I only known. My wife told me his condition had worsened but did not disclose how much." He looked sympathetically at her. She brushed a quick tear from her eye. They fell more often now.

"Please do not fret Mr. O'Malley. It could be months before he passes. His soul has started to leave though, and I didn't want you to miss him before he was fully gone."

"Is he speaking of Eleanor?"

"Almost every day. He would talk of her before, but not to the extent he does now."

"That was how it was before my mother passed. She spoke of my father constantly. Now," he says, guiding her over to a bench in the shop, "how are you doing my dear? I cannot imagine it is easy running the shop and taking care of your father."

"I am doing the best I can Mr. O'Malley. Reverend Ellis has been visiting nearly every other day. He talks with him and tries to put his heart at ease."

"And are you getting out? I know Catherine mentioned that you attend to Lord Hargrave's daughter."

"Yes, I go to Mooreland Park every week to work with Matilda until she is old enough for a proper governess. And I have my regular patients to attend to of course."

"I am happy to hear that. I would be worried if you were not taking care of yourself. Neither of your parents would want that. Now I won't waste any more of your time. I am sure you have things to attend to." He rises from the bench, "I will go see your father now if that is all right."

"Of course, and thank you Mr. O'Malley. Your friendship has meant the world to my father and me."

"Well you shall always have it Emmeline, even after your father passes. If you need anything at all please do not hesitate to reach out."

"Thank you sir. I may be gone before you leave. I am due at the Holcomb's by 3. There is a tin of biscuits in the kitchen if you would like some. I will leave the back door unlocked. I know my father will be excited to see you."

"Thank you my dear." Mr. O'Malley nods before pacing up to the apartment. 


Emmeline once again found herself back at Mooreland Park. The estate that had once intimidated her had become a sort of reprieve from her daily work. She looked forward to the chance to teach Matilda and not worry about life for a few hours. When she was at the estate, all that mattered was the little girl, whose heart she was trying to heal, and the father's she was trying to unlock from its cage. 

She smiled as she approached the drive. She was going to teach Matilda about some basic healing herbs and remedies. The idea came the night after Mr. O'Malley visited her father. She wasn't going to make Matilda an apprentice by any sort, but teaching her some basic skills could help the child feel more secure. Goodness knew Emmeline needed some semblance of security in her life. 

She paused for a moment and took in the sight of the grand estate. Its grand architecture was still overwhelming, but the happy memories she had made there gave her a sense of confidence in the midst of her sadness. She took a deep breath in, taking a moment of silence before she approached the front of the house. Matilda would be full of energy, she was sure. Since Charles had left, she was in desperate want of a daily playmate. Although Emmeline could not quite measure up to Charles' exuberant personality, she was more than willing to try.

A footman came running out the door as she approached.

"Miss. Somers, thank God you are here. His lordship has taken a fall from his horse and is in a great deal of pain." 


Hey y'all, I hope you like this update! I am working on Chapter 31 now (as it kind of goes hand in hand with 30) and will hopefully have it up soon!

Thank you so much for reading and voting! I nearly cried this week when I saw this was ranked #2 in the regency category. 



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