Chapter 40

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"Papa, can we pick out a Christmas gift for Miss. Emmy? I want to send her something so she knows we still remember her. And that I want her to come home." Matilda asked as Daniel tucked her in.

"That sounds like a marvelous idea, my dear. Why don't we go into town tomorrow and find something?"

"What do you think she would like?" Matilda's eyes light up.

"Anything you pick out I know she would love. Now try to sleep, Matty. We will go first thing in the morning." Daniel kisses her forehead and leaves the room.

Daniel went back to his study to work for a few more hours. There was a bit of giddiness to his step as he moved. He now had a perfectly logical reason to see her. He wanted to go to London before the end of the year to settle some financial matters. He would call upon her then. It would only be a brief interlude, not intrusive in any way. He wanted to make sure his arm had healed properly. It would not be unusual. Dr. Keller was also an old friend. It would be perfectly natural for him to visit, especially around the holidays. Miss. Emmeline was simply a guest there. He would not be an intrusion, as he only needed an afternoon. Most households were quiet during the Advent season anyway. There would be no intrusion. He would only be in town for two days, three at the very most. It would be rude to not make at least one societal call. And Charles would be able to care for Matilda. She would not be lonely. Daniel was sure Charles would make mischief with her,  which would be good for Matilda. Daniel and Charles always loved it when his parents would leave for a bit. And Daniel wouldn't be gone long. he would still be back in Abbottshire for Christmas. It was perfect.


"This is pretty!" Matilda squeals, holding up a bright pink bonnet.

Daniel and Matilda had woken early and went into Abbottshire to find the perfect gift for Miss. Somers.

Matilda put it on her head and began twirling about the store.

"I'm afraid that may be a bit too small for her my dear. But it looks absolutely lovely on you."

"Will you show it to Uncle Charles? He said he wasn't sure what to buy me for Christmas now that I am a proper lady."

"Later, yes, but we must find a gift for Miss. Emmeline, remember? I am leaving for town tomorrow." Daniel wandered about the store, looking at the various baubles and trinkets. A small necklace caught his eye. A chain of pearls with a small flower pendant at the center. It reminded Daniel of the daisy chain crown Emmeline had worn that day at the creek. He held it up to show Matilda.

She took the necklace into her hand and studied it seriously. She looked at every bead, inspecting it fully. She broke into a giant grin. "Papa, you found the necklace that belonged to the fairy queen. Miss. Emmeline will love it. Perhaps she will want to come back so we can find the queen together."

"Then we must buy it before anyone else realizes it." Daniel said with a mischievous smile. He took the necklace up to the counter along with the bonnet and paid for the items. Daniel felt like a small boy again as he agreed to have the items wrapped. He was eager to go back to the house so he could pack. He would leave for London at daybreak. He would finish his affairs tomorrow evening and call upon Miss. Somers the next afternoon. He wished not to see her when he was tired from the ride. It would be highly improper.


Despite the frigid December temperatures, there was a warmth radiating from Daniel as he rode into London. He wanted to see her. He needed to see her. There was so much still unsaid. He knew things would not be resolved tomorrow, but at least he would be able to offer her some comfort and remind her of the home she had in Abbotshire.

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