Chapter 28

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Emmeline put her apron on and tied her hair in quick plait. She collected the biscuits she had made for Matilda into her bag.

"I will be back later, Papa.  I am off to visit Matilda." She kisses his head. 

"I am sure she is not the only one you care to see." Gideon says with weak laugh. 

"Mrs. Ellis is always pleasant to speak with. When Matilda is napping I have found her company to be quite nice." She says, quickly checking over her father.

"And the master of the house? I presume you do not spend all of your time keeping the cook from her duties while Matilda is asleep." Gideon looks at Emmeline in earnest.

"We talk, you know this, Papa. He is concerned for his daughter and wants what's best for her." 

"And that's all you talk about?" Gideon asks, in his most paternal tone.

"We will talk about other things, as grown adults are accustomed to do Papa, but it is nothing improper. You know that healing isn't always about physical aches and pains. Some aches are from the heart and I am just doing my duty to try and relieve them, as any good healer would do." Emmeline says defensively. 

"I know your heart my child," Gideon says with a laugh, trying to ease her tension, "I have seen that the aches of your heart have subsided some as well. Except for when you deal with that damned Lady Margaret. Why when I saw you enter from your last meeting with her I was tempted to forbid you from going to Wilbourn again." Emmeline takes her hands in his and kisses them quickly.

"Oh Papa, you know she would ruin our whole business if you did that." She smiles at him, "But now I must go. You know how cross Matty can be when people run late."


 Matilda comes bounding out of the house with Charles quick behind her before Emmeline can even dismount her horse. 

"How are the fairies?" Matilda asks, tugging at Emmeline's skirt to be picked up.  Emmeline lifts her into her arms, wrapping her in a hug.

"The fairy king wanted to say hello and to extend an open invitation for you and your family to sup with him on chestnuts and berries the next time you visit. You all shall be the guests of honor." Emmeline gestures to Charles who had finally caught up with the pair. "You are included too of course, if you promise our dear friend to visit more." Emmeline says with a laugh.

"Did you put her up to this?" Charles asks Matilda, tapping her on the nose. She giggles in response.

"She did nothing of the sort." Emmeline says in a mock-serious tone, putting Matilda back on the ground, "I am just concerned for her education. A child needs some good role models in her life."

"Well then my Matty is very fortunate to have you to provide some guidance." Daniel says as he approaches the small party on the lawn.  Emmeline dips into a quick curtsy.

"Dear brother, you told me you had too much work to do in your study so you could not 'spend frivolous time out of doors' today." Charles clamps a hand on his shoulder. "Lots of ledgers to review." Matilda's face falls.

"It is far too glorious of a day to stay indoors today, Charlie boy." Daniel laughs, picking Matilda up and spinning her around, "In fact, I think today might be a perfect day for a picnic. What do you say Matty? Miss. Somers?" Matilda squeals in delight.

"The fairies must've given us both a similar thought last night, my lord." Emmeline says with a smile, going to her bag, "for I brought extra treats for us all to share." She reveals the small basket filled with biscuits and other sweets to Matilda. 

"When on Earth did you find time to make those?" Charles asks. 

"Don't you know Uncle Charlie?" Matilda states, "Miss. Emmy is magical." 

"Oh Matty," Emmeline says, trying to cover up her embarrassment, "if only I had real magic, I would be able to transport us to the picnic spot, but alas we will just have to look for the fairy path to lead us there." Daniel puts Matilda back on the ground and takes the basket of goods Mrs. Ellis had packed.  The group sets off in search of the perfect picnic spot the fairies had promised.


He could not have picked a more perfect day for a picnic. Emmeline thought to herself. The group ate their luncheon on a quiet hillside. Afterwards Matilda insisted on hunting for fairies. Emmeline and Charles indulged her for a while, chasing butterflies and look for any signs of pixie dust. Daniel looked on, in quiet contentment, happy just to enjoy the afternoon. 

When they had exhausted all possible fairy hiding places, they settled down on the blanket. Emmeline had never seen a man so thankful in his life as when Charles was able to take Matilda off of his shoulders and onto the blanket. Emmeline retrieved her collection of fairy tales from her bag. She read a bit from Cinderella, until she saw that Matilda had drifted off to sleep.

"What do you think she could be dreaming of?" Charles asked, breaking the silence that had swept through the party.

"Oh a great many things I am sure." Daniel replies.

"I am sure she is off on some great adventure. Maybe to another realm." Emmeline smiles. The group returns to the comfortable silence again.


"I wish we could stay out here forever, but if the Navy taught me anything, it was how to gauge when the sun will set. I suspect we have about an hour before we will be completely in the dark." Charles says, lifting Matilda into his arms.

"I had not realized how late the hour had become." Emmeline says, rising quickly and packing the basket up. 

"Are you promised elsewhere, Miss. Somers?" Daniel teases, "Do not tell me you have other appointments to get to."

"No, but I do believe I heard your ledgers hearkening back to you. You will go back to work on them tonight. Of that I am sure." Daniel is taken aback by the comment and laughs in mock offense.

"Are you sure that wasn't your workshop calling to you? I believe Lady Margaret mentioned that she had an appointment with you tomorrow." Emmeline tried to hide the hurt from the mention of her name, but Daniel was quick to notice it.

"While you two bicker you can clean the rest of the mess up. I must return the fairy princess to her castle before she breaks my arms." Charles asserts, headed towards the path back to Mooreland Park.

The pair grew silent as they collected the rest of their belongings.

"I am quite sorry Miss. Somers. I forgot myself earlier." Daniel says as they start down the path.

"There is nothing you need to apologize for. T'was I who started teasing you."

"But I dealt a larger blow than what was fair."

"I am not as fragile as you think me to be, my lord." Emmeline says, stopping suddenly, "I've known my place for quite sometime. Healers are not exactly high society, but I am proud of my work."

Daniel takes a gentle step towards her. 

"I know that. But if there is any trouble on your heart, I want you to know you have my full confidence. Let me be as good of a friend to you as you have been to m-Matty." 

"Thank you sir, your friendship has meant a great deal to me." The pair continue back to Mooreland Park in contented silence.


Hey y'all here is the next installment. I am either procrastinating like hell or I finally hit a stride with Emmeline and Daniel. I will try to update as soon as I can.

As always, thanks for reading. Any feedback is always appreciated :)

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