Chapter 21

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Emmeline rose at daybreak and made a small breakfast platter of jam and bread for Matilda. She plaited her hair and went down to her workshop to inspect the lavender buds. They still needed to dry for a few days before she could turn them into oil.

She packed her bag with the medicine she would need for the day. She had a long day of house calls ahead of her and with Matilda by her side she needed to set aside some extra time at each house. This would be Matilda's first day on the job and Emmeline was a little nervous about how she would do.

With her bag packed, she went back up to the living quarters to wake Matilda.

"Matilda, it is time to rise my dear. We have a busy day today and you need to eat and get dressed before we go." The young girl lets out a small groan.

"I don't need to eat." She replies groggily.

"Yes you do my dear, now get up. Your tea is getting cold." Emmeline goes to Matilda's trunk and removes the simplest dress she can find. "Come, let's get dressed. I have another surprise for you once you're ready."

"Really?" She asks, sitting up instantly.

"Yes but you've gotta get dressed and eat your breakfast before I can give it to you."

"I will be dressed in a moment. Can you plait my hair please?"

"I will once you are dressed." Emmeline left the room and prepared her father's breakfast. She took it to his room and placed it at his bedside table. The day before had been quite taxing on the old man and Emmeline predicted he would sleep for most of the morning.

Matilda left the bedroom and soon was seated at the kitchen table where there was porridge left out for her. She began eating and Emmeline went behind her and braided her hair, just as her mother did in the morning.

"We have a very busy morning my friend." Emmeline tells Matilda with a laugh. "Are you ready to help some patients?". Matilda nods eagerly, causing Emmeline to lose her place in the braid. "Hold still my dear or your hair will end up in knots."

"I'm sorry Miss. Emmeline. What are we to do today?"

"We have three houses we need to visit before luncheon, then we will return so that you may have your nap. I have a few appointments must attend to after that and will be home by evening for supper. Is that acceptable to you?"

"I wish to come with you in the afternoon. My papa told me that I was to help you in any way I could because you're letting me stay with you this week."

"I don't believe your father expects you to help with everything. You'll be such a big help in the morning that you'll earn a break. I will need your help when I begin preparing supper. Now come along, we have to leave for the first house of the morning.l


Daniel rose early after a fretful night of sleep. He went back to his study and began working on his ledgers right away. He was expecting a visitor's arrival tonight and he knew his work would not be completed if he did not finish most of it soon. Daniel believed himself to be a good and decent landlord. He tried to be sympathetic to most of his tenants and compared to his counterparts he knew he paid fair wages to his staff. He was able to do this through careful economic planning. His father taught him that. This was how he justified leaving Matilda for the week. His time spent in town would allow for more time to be spent with her later, while others struggled to finish up their work before the holiday festivities, Daniel would be spending his time with his darling daughter.

A few hours later Daniel completed the ledgers to near completion and he was helping himself to a glass of brandy when he heard a familiar voice through the hallway. Charles had arrived.


"Matilda you are welcome back any time my dear. Please tell your father we would love for him to pay a visit as well. Emmeline tell your father we are praying for him. Best wishes my dears." Mrs. Everett told the pair as they were leaving. Emmeline smiled and nodded and guided Matilda out the door.

"Where to next?" Matilda asked, taking Emmeline's hand.

"Home, for luncheon. You have done very well today. Wait until you tell your father about all the new friends you have made."

"May I help you after lunch?"

"No my dear, your father did not leave many instructions as to your care, but he did insist that you have some time to rest. You will be able to help me in the evening prepare supper, and if you wake from your nap before I return I have given my father a list of activities for you to choose from."

"I do really wish to help though." Matilda whines, stifling a yawn.

"You shall have the opportunity to, but part of being able to help others is making sure you are the best you can be, which includes taking naps." That seemed to qualm Matilda's protestations and Emmeline was able to get her down for a nap.

Emmeline attended to the rest of the homes she needed to and returned to the shop as the sun was beginning to set.


"How is my favorite brother?" Charles asked, slapping Daniel on the shoulder. "Still working yourself to death?" Daniel looked up from his work and laughed.

"Yes, are you still the drunkest sea captain the Royal fleet has ever seen?"

"Of course, it is why I'm here, I ran out of the good port from the last time I was on dry land and needed to replenish my lot." Charles laughs, "And by the looks of it you could use a stiff glass as well."

"Unlike you dear brother, I do not need to drink to excess to have a grand time. I am quite content without a nasty hangover in the morning."

"But you are going out with the rest of the mates from Cambridge tonight? God knows when I'll be in London again, and you seem quite chipper off on the old estate."

"Of course. I wouldn't miss it for the world."

Hey y'all, I hope you enjoy the latest installment. Thanks so much for reading!!!

The Apothecary's Daughterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें