Chapter 26

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A few days had passed since Matilda's departure.

"Good afternoon Miss. Somers. Lady Margaret is waiting for you in the parlor." The maid says as she removes Emmeline's cloak.

"Thank you, Megan. I know the staff is due for a checkup in a few weeks. I shall speak with Lady Margaret to arrange it before the house is being prepared for winter." The maid nods graciously and Emmeline makes her way to the parlor.

"Miss. Somers, it has been far too long." Lady Margaret says graciously as Emmeline enters. Emmeline curtsies before having a seat on a nearby settee.

"I am sorry Lady Margaret, my house calls became too numerous and I've been opening the shop more for the summer travelers. But I am here now, and I've brought some lavender soap as a gift of thanks. I do apologize for not coming sooner. Have you developed any more aches? For it is a lovely day and I do believe you promised me a walk in the garden when I last visited." Emmeline laughs.

"None so far, but they will be coming soon. I may be able to handle a turn in the garden, but we must wait for Lydia. She is returning a correspondence from Lord Hargrave."

"The Earl has written her?" Emmeline asks, trying to mask any emotion from her voice. She prayed silently that her cheeks would not betray her.

"Why yes of course he has. They are the only two people of noble stock within a day's ride of here. I am sure Lord Hargrave understands the position he is in. A single man with no heir and a daughter without a female influence. He must be under so much pressure and my Lydia is of the marrying age. I am sure there will be an engagement before the Christmas holiday."

"Mama, please do not bore Miss. Somers with your talk of engagements and such." Lydia said as she entered the room, "Lord Hargrave was simply being polite. There was no mention or hint of possible affection from the correspondence at all." Lady Margaret sighs deeply as Lydia takes a seat next to Emmeline.

"How are you my dear friend?" She asks Emmeline, "Lord Hargrave mentioned that you were so kind as to look after his daughter while he went to town."

"I am well, thank you." Emmeline replies levelly, trying not to let any emotion slip through. She looks to Lady Margaret, who is watching her like a hawk. "Yes, Matilda did stay with me. Her father was worried about constantly changing her environment when she had just gotten settled in."

"A child's job is to obey the will of their parents. It sounds like Lord Hargrave is spoiling the girl rotten.It is unfair to her to make her believe the world will bend to her will. Lydia when you become his wife you must stop this." Emmeline struggles to hold her composure as she hears this.

"Mama, we are not engaged yet. If that is what the future holds, I shall deal with the girl as I see fit. I am sure she and I will get along just fine. I shall learn to raise her like a young lady."

"She will need to be raised properly. She is the daughter of an Earl, not some country squire's daughter. She should be educated in the finer arts and be prepared to make a good marriage for her father." Emmeline's face got red hot at Lady Margaret's words.

"Forgive me your ladyship but the girl is but a child. I do not believe the Earl is concerning himself with his daughter's marriage at this young age. He wants his daughter to have a life outside of London society. She will deal with the Ton when her time comes but for now she has the right to be a child!" Lady Margaret looks at Emmeline evenly. She speaks coolly.

"You forget your place Miss. Somers. I know you were raised in an unconventional manner but some of us with proper breeding actually need to secure decent marriages. Had you been raised properly you and your father might not be in the state that you are now." Emmeline's blood turns cold. She turns to Lydia, looking for someone to come to her defense. Lydia sits in stony silence, knowing not to argue with her mother.

"Well my ladyship, I can see that my presence is no longer needed here. I will leave your medicines with Megan." Emmeline replies, her voice as strong as she can make it, "If you are in need of any more assistance, you may send a missive to the shop so I can have someone send you a refill. Now if you'll excuse me, I must go attend to my beloved father." Emmeline curtsies quickly and exits the room, not giving the pair a second glance. Megan, one of the servants, is ready at the front door with Emmeline's cloak and bag.

"It was not fair what her ladyship said to you." The young girl says quietly, "You have always been a gentle and kind presence around these parts. No one says a bad word about you, not even the gossips in town."

"Thank you Megan." Emmeline whispers as a small tear manages to escape her eyes, "I will be back soon to check on some of the servants before the autumn chill hits." Megan nods and Emmeline quickly leaves the property.

She walks briskly, allowing some of the tears to flow before she returns to her father. She could not explain the cruelty she had just experienced to him. She knew people talked about her family's weird ways, but she never paid any mind, but the weight of her precarious position liked to creep up on her, and Lady Margaret didn't simply allow it to creep today. She made sure that Emmeline knew her place. Emmeline knew she would probably never marry. She was a healer, barely above a servant in rank.

Before she returned home, Emmeline went down to the creek to rinse away her tears. Her mind wanders to how much joy she had felt the other afternoon with Matilda and Dan-, Lord Hargrave. The memory brought a smile to her face, appreciating how rare a moment it was. She took a deep breath and walked back to her house.

"Emmeline!" her father shouts as she enters the house, "It seems you have dinner plans Friday night. Lord Hargrave has invited you and a few other families over for a small dinner party to celebrate the arrival of his brother to Abbotshire."


Hey friends and readers, it's a crazy time over here in the states, and with my classes now moving online, I am trying to write more of this crazy story.I'm starting the next chapter as soon as I'm done typing this. I hope everyone is doing well!

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