Chapter 19

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Gideon looked out the window at the two girls in the garden for quite sometime. The vision reminded him of a time long ago when Eleanor would spend time with Emmeline in the garden. The pair would spend hours out there, he often having to come out and call them in for supper, Gideon remembered with a chuckle. Some summer evenings they would bring their food out and have a proper picnic. Then they would stay out until the sun went down and looked at the heavens together. Emmeline, the ever curious child, would pepper them with questions about the constellations. Soon after she and Eleanor both would fall asleep as Gideon told them stories of Cassiopeia and Orion.


"This is Salvia officinalis, or as most people call it, sage. It can be used when you're tummy is not feeling well. Want to smell it?" Emmeline asks. "Something magic happens when you do." Matilda nods. Emmeline plucks a leaf and hands it to Matilda.

"I feel cold now!" Matilda says, laughing.

"It's silly right? Not only does it make you feel good, it gives you a tingly sensation. It's so good for you. I make it into tea and oils to give to people when they have an upset stomach. You know what my favorite flower is?" Emmeline asks, guiding Matilda down the pathway. 


"Lavender. It makes teas and oils that help people. My favorite part though is making bouquets with it to put under my pillow at night. Would you like to make some for tonight? I'm sure my papa would love one as well." 

"Yes!" Matilda says. Emmeline shows her how to properly pick the flower and they fill the basket to the brim. 

"I believe we have enough lavender to make bouquets for the entire town." Emmeline says with a laugh, "Are you ready for luncheon?" Emmeline rises from her spot. 

"What are we having?" 

"Fresh bread and some jam. Is that alright?" Emmeline asks, helping the young girl up.

"Sounds tasty." The pair walks back into the house, carrying their basket of aromatic flowers. 

"We shall make the bouquets after luncheon." Emmeline says decidedly as she places the basket on the counter in her office. "Then you shall rest a bit before dinner."

"Yes Miss. Emmy." They go up to the living quarters and Emmeline sets about making their luncheon, slicing large pieces of fresh brown bread and putting the kettle on for tea. Matilda waits patiently at the kitchen table, watching as Emmeline bustles about, her eyes beginning to gloss over.

"Here you are Matty." Emmeline says gently, giving her a plate,"try to eat as much as you can then I will help you get ready to rest."

"But what about the bouquets?" Matilda whines, "I promised father I would help you all day."

"Do not worry about that. You helped me collect the lavender which is the hardest part. I can finish the rest. Besides, you can still help after you're done. I always have things that need to get done around here and you are a perfect assistant."  Emmeline cuts a piece of bread for herself and adds a little jam and sits down beside Matilda. 

"O-okay." Matilda says with a yawn. The pair finishes their lunch and Emmeline guides Matilda into their shared chamber. "Is this where you sleep Miss. Emmy?"

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