Chapter 5

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Emmeline returned home, just as the villagers began to stir. She ran into her house before anyone saw her. She could not afford to be sent through the rumor mill. Ms. Hollbrook was stoking the fire when Emmeline entered.

"Miss Emmeline, I did not expect you to return home until tomorrow. You just missed Dr. Keller. He told me of your whereabouts, charming man he is. He didn't stay long but told me to tell you he will return for a proper visit in a few weeks."

"Thank you Claire. I can take care of Papa now. You may see an increase in customers today. Lady Margaret's home was completely full when I left and I assume the inn is quite busy as well."

"It tis not a problem Emmeline. Your father is one of the kindest people in town. Had he not fixed the problem with my shoulder I would have been a beggar on the street."

"Well I know he enjoys your company greatly. Let me get you some turmeric oil. It should keep that shoulder in order should it begin to act up again." The pair of women walk down the stairs to the shop and Emmeline retrieves the oil from behind the counter. "Thank you again for looking after him."

"Of course Emmeline, good day." Ms. Hollbrook leaves the shop and Emmeline returns upstairs to look after her father. A yawn escapes her lips as she prepares breakfast for her father.

"Why Emmeline, I wasn't expecting you home until tomorrow. Robert told me you were taking care of one of his patients."

"The Earl's daughter was quite sick. I was called away from the ball to take care of her. She is stable now though."

"So no masked stranger whisked you off into the moonlight?" Gideon laughs.

"The page who came for me was white as a ghost when we left the party. That was the closest I got to a masked stranger."

"It sounds like quite the adventure to me. You were the first person to meet the Earl and his daughter. Considering the ball was given in his honor I would consider yourself lucky. How was he?"

"Very concerned about his daughter. He was steadfast to her side the entire time."

"A man of his station to have such a strong attachment is a rare thing. Most would let a nanny or governess fret about the child."

"And you are a proud example of this?! I spent my entire life by your side. I believe this is the first time you have ever uttered the word governess in my presence."

  "I am not saying 'tis a bad thing. A daughter should have her Papa around. Had I gotten you a governess after your mother died I believe she would have come back from the grave and boxed my ears."

"If you say so Papa. Come, eat your breakfast. I have to change your linens today." Gideon puts an arm around Emmeline, resting most of his weight on her, and the pair walks to his desk, where a simple porridge sat for his consumption.

After placing him in his chair Emmeline strips the linens from his bed and replaces them with fresh ones.

"Papa, when were you going to tell me about your bedsores?" Emmeline asks, concern in her voice as she examines the soiled linens.

"They were of no issue my child. I did not wish to worry you."

"When did they appear Papa?" She asks forcefully.

"A week ago. They were of no issue Emmeline. You had far more important things on your mind compared to my silly old age."

"By the looks of it they are infected." Emmeline spits. "Do you want to join Mum so quickly that you are simply letting yourself rot?" Emmeline asks, her voice cracking as a tear streams down her face.

"Of course not Emmy, but no daughter takes care of her papa the way you take care of me. I wanted you to have an adventure without worrying about me."

"It tis my job to worry Papa. You're all I have left. Please do not worry about me. I am fine. Now eat your porridge. Today is expected to be a busy day in town and I need to get to my garden before sundown."

"Yes nurse."


Before Emmeline went to tend to the shop she made herself a large pot of tea and changed back into a calico dress. The magic that had been the ball was finally over. It was back to reality and Emmeline had a busy day ahead of her. The ball had brought in quite a few visitors and any extra business was more than welcome. Before her father got sick, Gideon handled the finances. Since he went on bedrest Emmeline has been trying to keep everything in order. From what she understood her parents were giving people and because so would give care without a fee. Over the years that they were in practice they racked up quite the amount of debt.  It was never enough to put them in debtors' prison but Mr. O'Malley did have to intervene and set up a payment plan in order to make peace with the government.

Emmeline got quite a few customers and made more than enough money to cover expenses for the next few days, leaving her feeling quite satisfied when she closed up shop right before supper. She immediately went to the garden behind the shop.

It was her mother's garden and as a young girl Emmeline would spend hours listening to Eleanor talk about the various plants and all of their uses. She learned how to test the soil and keep the various bugs away. Watching her mother work in the garden always brought Emmeline comfort. Eleanor's voice sounded like poetry to her when she told Emmeline the scientific names of the plants. Then the pair would pack seeds into the soil and watch them grow into something that would eventually help someone.

This evening however, was not for making medicines. Emmeline just needed to feel close to her mother, and in this poetry filled place, she could almost hear her mother's whisper on the wind.

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