Chapter 36

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Time stood still. Emmeline felt numb. The world around her moved with out her consciousness. She could vaguely hear Daniel calling for a carriage somewhere in the distance.

How could she have let this happen?

She should have stayed with him.

And now it was too late.

A cloak was wrapped around her shoulders and she was guided outside.

"I will go with her."

"You cannot, my lord. There will be talk. This is still your event sir. You both will be ruined."

"She cannot go on her own. She nearly collapsed when she heard."

"Which is why Mrs. Ellis and Mr. O'Malley will take her. They are as close as kin to her. You need to stay here and reassure your guests. You may pay your respects in the morning. Right now you do more harm to the both of you by going."


She was in a carriage.

Mrs. Ellis held tight to her arm as Mr. O'Malley stared out the window.

She thought of daffodils. The warm summer sun on her face.


"Papa, look!" Emmeline squealed excitedly, taking Gideon's hand and dragging him towards a field, "flowers. Mama always said flowers made everyone feel better, even if they can't be used for healing they can brighten someone's day."

Gideon trudged behind her. It had only been six months since Eleanor's passing and he was still hurting.

"What kind of flowers are they Papa?" Emmeline asks as she begins to pick them.

Gideon had lost track of Emmeline's ramblings and suddenly returned to Earth. She held out the flower to her father.

He gently smiles.

"They're daffodils my dear," He looks to the heavens, "a sign of from the heavens of moving forward. Your mother must've placed them here."

"But Mama is gone. How could she have put them here?" Gideon sits down in the grass and pulls Emmeline into his lap.

"Fairies aren't the only things that are magic my dear. Angels can visit us and leave us signs. If you ever feel alone, all you have to look for the magic. It is always there. All you have to do is believe."

"So the flowers are saying Mama wants us to be happy?"

"Yes my dear, and if you and I are ever separated do not forget that I will send signs for you too." He hugs her daughter close and kisses the top of her head.


The carriage stops suddenly and Emmeline sprints up to the apartment. Reverend Ellis is seated by her father.

"I'm not too late, am I?"

"I am so sorry my dear."

Emmeline rushes to Gideon side. She grabs his hand in her own and kisses it.

"Oh Papa..."

She collapses by his side and cries. A pain she has never felt before rushes through her body.

"He was a good man." Mr. O'Malley whispers, making a cross across his chest.

"The poor dear, she's too young to have had so much heartbreak."

Mrs. Ellis tries to go to her side but is held back by her husband and Mr. O'Malley.

"She needs time, my dear. Let us see if there's anything we can do to help." The reverend guides Louisa away to the kitchen.

"I shall cook." She says decidedly, "She will have no energy to do so for herself. A few items that will stay good for a few days and when I get back to Mooreland Park I'll make some more to deliver."

Mr. O'Malley had moved to the small desk in the living space and was writing quickly.

"Dr. Keller needs to be contacted. He's to help Emmeline run the shop while other arrangements are being made."

"I should go back to the parish and begin preparing for a funeral. I know the poor dear isn't ready to sort those sorts of things out at the moment,but when she is ready things will be prepared for her. Make sure someone is always here. The girl may need her privacy now but she cannot be fully alone." Mr. O'Malley and Louisa nod in agreement before returning to their tasks.

A few hours later the sound of thick boots running up the stairs wakes the pair, who had fallen asleep after completing their tasks.

"Where is she?" Daniel asks, his voice breathless.

"My lord you are not to be here. The sun has yet to fully rise over the fields."

"I came as soon as the last drunken social climber left." He says gruffly, "Now tell me where she is."

"She is in his room sir," Louisa says, her voice measured.

"And why is no one with her? She just lost her father. Someone ought to be near in case she needs anything."

Louisa rises and takes Daniel's hand in her's. "My husband thought it would be best if the young lady had a few more private moments with him. But it has been a few hours my lord and I am sure she would enjoy the presence of a friend."

"Of course. I apologize Mrs. Ellis. I was unable to think of anything else for the past few hours."

"I understand sir, completely."

Daniel nods and gingerly knocks on the door. Upon hearing no answer he opens it slowly. His heart breaks. Emmeline has fallen asleep in the chair next to Gideon. Wilmot's Poetry, the book he had seen that day in the living room, is sprawled open on her lap. He takes it gently away from her, wishing not to disturb her slumber and retrieves a blanket from a nearby chest. He tucks it around her, moving carefully as if she were made of the most delicate porcelain.

How he wished he could have come sooner, to be able to help her, to comfort her. Damned propriety had to get in the way.

He looks to Gideon's body, his spirit now gone from the earthly plain, and says a brief prayer of peace. 

He glances once more to Emmeline before leaving.  He takes a seat on the couch next to Mr. O'Malley before drifting off in a fitful sleep.


Hey y'all here's the latest update. I hope y'all enjoy. I'm about a week out from finishing my degree which means I'm not sure when I will update but hopefully it will be within a week.

Thank you all for all of the love! I never thought 18 people would read this, let alone 18,000. 

Much love,


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