Chapter 24

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The next few days flew by, with the shop being open Emmeline scarcely had the time to think. When she wasn't with customers, she was tending to Matilda and her father. Shop days were always the busiest for her, as they were the times for patients that could not afford house calls to come. Often these patients were assisted on the trust that when they could afford to, they would pay the shop back.


On the day that they were to return to Abbotshire, Daniel and Charles rose with the dawn. It was decided that Charles would go straight to the manor while Daniel went to retrieve his daughter. It was a fast ride, both of them eager to escape the Ton.

Upon his arrival at the apothecary shop, Daniel found the main door to be locked. He went around the back as instructed by Emmeline. He found the spare key beneath the Yarrow plant and unlocked the door.

"Hello!" He shouted up the stairs.

No one answered. He quickly went up to the apartment to find it empty.

"Matilda!" Daniel shouted again.

"They are not here, my lord." Gideon shouted from his chamber. Daniel knocked before entering.

"Where have they gone?" Daniel asked, going to Gideon's bedside.

"I believe Matilda said something about making fairy houses for the fairy prince by the brook. Emmeline offered to return her to your home by nightfall. Her trunk is packed in their chamber."

"I shall retrieve it and my daughter. I cannot continue pressing upon your kindness any more than I already have."

"It was my pleasure to assist you, my lord. I am sure my daughter would say the same. Matilda has been a delight."

"Well I know my daughter can be quite the handful sometime."

"All girls are at that age, I still remember my Emmy running wild and free down by that very brook. And Matilda truly has been a wonderful addition to our household. I know Emmeline will miss her dearly. Matilda is quite a special young girl. Emmy even mentioned an apprenticeship for her." Gideon laughs.

"I am not sure if it is quite proper for the daughter of an earl to take such a position."

"It was not proper of my daughter to take over for me, especially given how much of an outcast she truly became after her mother passed. But she stayed resilient, and soon the townsfolk embraced her. It takes a special kind of girl to act so. I can see that spirit in Matilda as well."

"Well we both have very special daughters Mr. Somers, and I truly appreciate you and yours for taking care of my Matilda, but I cannot delay my journey much longer." Daniel says as he rises from his seat, "Where now did you say I could find the pair?"

"I believe the fairy king is to visit about six furlongs down beside the brook. That was where he visited when Emmy was a girl at least. If you find yourself by a large oak that has fallen across the stream you have gone too far." Daniel takes Gideon's hands in his own.

"Thank you again for your kindness." Daniel says, giving the man's hands a gentle squeeze. Gideon nods and Daniel leaves.


Daniel meanders down by the brook in search of his daughter. While walking, he imagines a young Emmeline running along the water's edge, the smell of sweet wildflowers in her hair. He can hear her laughter. The image is as clear to him as if the memory was his own.

His quest soon ends as he spots the two a few yards away. Both have daisy chains crowns atop their heads. Matilda is the image of seriousness as they assemble the fairy houses. Daniel ducks behind a tree before the pair can spot him. He takes a moment to enjoy the sight. Matilda haphazardly places various sticks and leaves around the house while Emmeline subtly moves the pieces so the structure does not fall.

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