Chapter 32

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"Now Matty, you have to stand still while they are measuring you. If you move too much your dress could be too tight in one place and too loose in another." 

"Okay Papa, and Miss. Emmy will be there?" Matty asks, seated next to her father in the carriage. It had been a week since the accident and Daniel and Matilda were going into Abbotshire for Matilda's dress that she had picked out for the ball.

"We will see her at her shop, remember? She needs to make sure my scrapes are getting better."

"Will I get to see Mr. Gideon then? I haven't seen him in a long time and he has the best fairy stories."

"You will have to ask Miss. Emmy about that. Her papa is very sick Matty so he may not want visitors."

"But Mr. Gideon loves me. Maybe I can help him feel better, like I do with you Papa. Miss. Emmy talks all the time about how anyone can make people feel better."

"You're right Matty, but if Miss. Emmy says no, you cannot argue with her."

"Okay Papa. Can Miss. Emmeline come with us to the dress shop? She'll make sure I'll look pretty."

"If she wants to come she is more than welcome to join us."

"Thank you Papa." The carriage pulls up in front of the apothecary shop and Matilda jumps out. Daniel hobbles behind her, using the cane Miss. Somers had given him. He did not believe he needed it but he was not going to go against the doctor's orders. 

Emmeline is deep in thought as they enter the shop. She was trying to get caught up on some of the expense reports as she hardly had the time to do so any more.

"Miss. Emmy!" Matilda shouts as she runs to hug her. Emmeline puts down her ledger and picks her up. 

"How are you doing little nurse?" Emmeline had given Matilda special instructions to help her father after she had patched him up. It helped reduce the young child's fears.

"She is doing a fantastic job, I always have a plumped pillow and a biscuit by my bedside. She even helps me down the stairs when she can."

"I'm so proud of you Matilda. Now I do need to help your father. Do you mind being a good helper and going to see how much lavender and rose I have?"

"Then can I go see Mr. Gideon? I want to hear some more fairy stories and tell him how good of a nurse I've become."

"He may not be awake right now my dear but you are welcome to go see. Please try to be quiet if he is sweetie. If he is you can come back down and help organize some of the jars."

"Thank you Miss. Emmy!" Matilda runs up to the apartment.

"Are you sure it's okay? I can call her back down." Daniel asks.

"Of course, my father could use some youthful company. I am sure he gets tired of hearing my voice constantly. How have you been feeling? Any new aches?" She wipes her hands on her apron as she goes to find a vial of willow's bark.

"I am feeling much better. The medicine you gave me seems to be working. I don't believe I will need the cane for much longer."

"Does it make you feel like an old man, sir? Like one of the elderly bachelors at Almacks? Worried that you won't be able to dance at your ball?"

"Oh I will dance at least one dance at the ball Miss. Somers, of that I am certain."

"And what if your doctor suggests that you do not? You still have an injured shoulder." 

"Then I will just have to prove to her that I can." Daniel drops his cane and walks towards Emmeline. He bows slightly and offers her his good hand. He spins her around and awkwardly guides her in a dance. She laughs and removes herself from his embrace.

"Lord Hargrave, someone could see us."

"Then you owe me a dance Miss. Somers, at the ball." 

Emmeline blushes.

"Your leg has clearly been healing nicely, how is your shoulder feeling?"

"It still causes some pain, but I've been doing the exercises with Robert which seems to be helping."

"That's good. The only thing you can do at this point is to continue with the exercises. If the pain doesn't decrease in the next two weeks we can look at different treatment options."

"Thank you Miss. Somers. Matilda wanted me to ask if you would like to accompany us to the tailor. She claims that you'll make sure she looks pretty."

"Of course, it's helpful to have a woman's opinion for these sorts of things. I'll go get her."

She enters her father's room to see Matilda sitting at the foot of his bed, telling him a story about the fairies.

"Matilda, are you ready to go get your dress?" Emmeline asks.

"Are you coming with us?" 

"I think I can spare the afternoon, if that's alright with you Papa?"

"Of course. Go have some fun. And Matilda, don't forget what I told you."

"I won't Mr. Gideon. I hope you feel better." Emmeline looks at him quizzically but he just smiles. Matilda takes Emmelines hand and runs out of the room.


The group set out to the tailor. Matilda dashing in front of them.  She goes straight to the counter, the elderly seamstress clearly bemused by the child's actions.

"Is my dress ready?" She asks.

"Matilda." Daniel scolds, "My apologies, it seems my daughter has forgotten her manners."

"It is no trouble at all. One's first ball is a very important moment in a young lady's life. I just finished it this morning. Would you like to try it on?"

"Yes please." Matilda replies, remembering her manners, "Miss. Emmy will you come help? Papa doesn't understand fashion."

Emmeline laughs and dutifully follows the pair to the fitting room. The seamstress helps Matilda into the gown and she spins around.

"What do you think Miss. Emmy? I picked this one because it looked like a fairy princess dress." The dress was pink and very frilly, perfect for Matilda.

"You look beautiful. I am sure the fairy prince will try to fly in and see you."

"Do you really think so?"

"Of course, you know fairies love a good party."

"Will you help me get ready before it? Papa tries to do my hair but he can never get it quite right." 

"If your father will allow it, I can be there early. I will need to check on his injuries make sure he can dance with you before though."

"Will you and Papa dance together?" She asks innocently.

"Your father may dance with lots of ladies. That's what balls are for. I am sure you will be his favorite." The seamstress helps Matilda back into her day clothes. "Now I am afraid I have to go my dear, It's nearly suppertime and I promised my papa that I would read to him."  She turns to leave the dressing room and return to work.

"Wait, Miss. Emmy, what color is your dress going to be?"

"It's dark blue, with little silver sparkles in it. Why do you ask?"

"No reason." Matilda says with a mischievous grin, "I will ask Papa if you can come early to help me. I am sure he will say yes."

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