Chapter 7

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(Pictured above: Daniel and Mooreland Park)

"Papa when will she get here?" Matilda asks over breakfast.

"I am sure she will be here soon my love but you need to eat so you can show her the progress you've made. You wouldn't want the fairy princess to be mad at you would you?" Daniel asks, looking lovingly down at his daughter.

"No," She mumbles as takes a big spoonful of porridge. "Do you think we shall bake today Papa?"

"I don't know sweetheart. You'll just have to wait and see what she has planned. The important thing is that you start feeling better."

"It is indeed Miss Matilda." Emmeline says, entering the dining chamber.

"Emmy!" The small girl says excitedly, jumping from her chair. "Are we going to bake cakes today?" She asks as she hugs Emmeline.

"Matilda where have your manners gone?" Daniel asks. Matilda immediately returns to her seat and eats her breakfast. "I'm sorry Miss Somers. Matilda hasn't stopped talking about your visit since you left on Saturday."

"''Tis I who should apologize my lord. I too was quite excited to see my friend and woke with the dawn to come visit."

"Please sit. I'm sure you are tired from your journey. Maybe you'll be able to convince Matty to finish her breakfast."

"I shall try my best m'lord" Emmeline replies, sending him a small smile as she takes a seat next to the young girl.

"Well I shall leave you two to your activities. Miss Somers if you need anything I will be in my study, which Matty can show you to if need be."

"Thank you sir." Daniel nods before leaving the room. There were still several matters regarding the estate that he needed to tend to.

"So Matilda, why don't we go up to your room for a few moments." Emmeline says sweetly.

"But I thought we were going to bake a cake today."

"We will, but in order to be in the kitchen we need to be good and healthy right? We wouldn't want to get anyone else sick."

"Okay." The child says remorsefully.

"Now hurry up and finish your porridge. We need to be good and strong if we are to bake a cake." Matilda nods excitedly and quickly finishes her meal.

"I am ready now Miss Emmy!" She rises from her chair, pulling Emmeline up from her seat as well. Emmeline followed behind as Matilda sprinted to her room.

"Now Matty, in order for us to bake I need you to sit still so I can make sure you are healthy. I have a surprise for you if you do."


"Yes, but you must stay still. Can you lie down on the bed for me?" Matilda does so, smiling up at Emmeline. Emmeline does a quick inspection of the girl.

"You have gotten very strong my friend. I will give your father new medicines." Emmeline says, noting that the girl's coloring wasn't fully restored.

"May we bake a cake now?"

"We may, but first you must put on the proper attire." Emmeline says, going for her bag. "Would you like to see your surprise?"

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Matilda says. Emmeline digs around in her bag and pulls out one of her childhood aprons.

"If you are to bake a cake we cannot ruin your pretty dress." Matilda takes the garment eagerly.

"Would you like some help tying it?"

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