Chapter 35

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"Yes, I will be sure to wake you if the fairy prince arrives. But now my dear friend you must rest." Emmeline gives Matilda a hug as the young girl suppresses a yawn. She nods to Mrs. Ellis standing nearby and she picks Matilda up to take to her room.

Emmeline takes a moment to herself and watches the party from a comfortable distance. She was thankful that Matilda had expressed a desire to go to bed after their dance. She had seen Lord Hargrave ask Lydia to dance and she was not sure if her heart could bear watching. She knew she was silly to hope for anything, but she had never felt for anyone the way she did for for Daniel and Matilda. She had grown too close and now, she knew, her heart was to break.

Her parents were fortunate. They were a love match, both born of too low of birth for anyone to care. She had always hoped she would have a love like that. She longed to have someone know her so intimately. A marriage that was not forced by rank or reason, but one born out of desire and trust. She hated that her heart gave itself to the one man she could never have.

"How are you fairing this evening, Miss. Somers?" A voice asks from behind her. She lets out a small shriek in surprise.

"Lord Hargrave," she curtsies, "I am sorry. I did not see you there."

"I should be the one to apologize. I did not mean to startle you. Are you having a pleasant evening?"

"Yes, this is all quite wonderful. I do not believe anyone is used to such grandeur. I am sure it will be the talk of the town for months to come."

"Thank you. It seems I've fixed my reputation as being the recluse."

"I've never heard such rumors about you." Emmeline laughs.

"I do not pretend to be ignorant of my reputation, Miss. Somers. It makes changing it all the more amusing."

"You caused a stir before you even arrived. I still remember assisting Lady Margaret when she told me. I thought the jolly king might be coming with the way she spoke of you."

"She was speaking of me even then? Pray tell me what she said."

"How beneficial it was that you were coming back to the country. She was curious that you came back unmarried and with a child. She spoke of the importance of making a good first impression and how marriage was a legal arrangement. The conversation fully turned into a lecture on the importance of a solid and well matched marriage, but I am sure after having the attention of all the young ladies pressed upon you tonight you do not need a reminder of that."

"Ah yes, a gentle reminder of the very reason I became a bit of a recluse to begin with. You are well aware that my first marriage was a societal one."

"It was mentioned by few, but I paid it no heed. It is not my place. I have seen societal matches that have been perfect fit, and love pairings that lost their bloom after a few months. I believe if one finds someone who's soul makes them feel a sense of peace and yet still calls them on an adventure then they will make a most amiably pair. A sense of freedom yet belonging all at the same time. Pardon me for speaking so frankly, my lord. It seems my tongue has run away with me."

"Do not apologize, I appreciate the honesty. If I may be frank with you Miss. Somers, I never plan on marrying again unless it is for love. I married a 'societal match' as you called it. It did not suit me. I have found that I long for a life partner that does not desire me for my title, nor looks at Matty as a burden." He looks at her with a level sincerity and vulnerability.

Emmeline's gaze softens, as if the resolve she had been holding onto was finally slipping away. The pair say nothing, letting the silence settle gently between them.

"I- I have been meaning to thank you sir, for the gift that is. I know Matilda was the one who selected it, but I know she rarely has more than a sixpence in her pocket."

"Think nothing of it. Matilda would have never given a thought of buying a gift for another before you can into our lives. How is he doing? Your father that is."

"He is doing as well as I can hope, my lord. I know his time is coming soon. But I made a promise to him that I would not worry about him tonight, and I do not wish do disappoint him in his last few days. How is your shoulder feeling? Is the over-exertion causing you any pain?"

"I am fine Miss. Somers. You would be the first to know if there was any pain. You know you are my closest confidant here."

"But your brother, Sir Charles?"

"He is an agreeable chap to be sure, but he does not understand me the way that you seem to. He also makes a horrible dance partner. Would you do me the honor Miss. Somers? I believe you promised me you would when I first fell off that daft horse."

"Of course." She takes his hand and he guides her out to the center of the room.


The band begins to play a waltz. He places a hand on the small of her back, butterflies radiate from where he touches her. She is certain she is blushing, but she does not care. She places a hand on his shoulder and gingerly grabs hold of his other hand.

"Does it hurt?" She asks, concerned about the boldness of her action. Daniel shakes his head. He feels suddenly like a schoolboy again. Warm radiates from her touch. He had never felt this way before, not even with Cecelia.

"Not at all. Quite the opposite in fact."Daniel's eyes stare into hers, in a way she had never seen him look at her before.  She relaxes as he guides her across the dance floor. Each movement perfectly in sync, as if they had been designed to be that way. She could stay in this moment forever, if God would allow her that privilege.

"I hope I am not the first to tell you that you look absolutely stunning tonight Miss. Emmeline. It is as if the galaxies are contained in one single person." Emmeline is taken aback by the comment. She was not used to such flatteries.

"Thank you Lord Hargrave. You are too kind."

"Daniel, please," he whispers, tightening the grip on her waist, "I believe we are far past that level of formality." She looks up at him, her heart racing like she had never felt it do so before.

"Daniel it is then." She says, her voice barely above a whisper. He smiles down at her. His heart was so full he was afraid it might burst.

"Come with me out to the balcony after this. There is something I wish to show you."

A page comes running in before she can respond.

The music stops.

"Where is Miss. Somers?" He asks.

Emmeline lets out a sob.

"My father..."


So there's chapter 35.

It was the most daunting one to write since I had started this story so many years ago. I wanted to make sure I got it just right.

I hope y'all enjoyed reading it. It was really fun to write a blatantly romantic scene. I tried to emulate the feeling that every dance scene in a period romance movie gives me.

I am in the last few weeks of my graduate program so I cannot say for certain when Chapter 36 will be up, but I'll try to release it soon.



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