Chapter 16: Teaching Troublemakers

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Taylor's POV

Yesterday was an eventful day. A bottle of cologne was thrown at me, I was threatened by a vampire, the twins swung on the Silver Moon's chandelier and I let Sam drive my car.

Today was the first official day of training with Jason leading too. I woke up and looked at my clock. It read 5:40 am. I have about 20 minutes to sleep. I closed my eyes and drifted back to sleep. In what felt like a second after falling back to sleep, my alarm blared to life. Looked at it once again. 6:00 I sat up in bed and hit the snooze button but it didn't shut off. BEEP BEEP BEEP BE-- I punched my alarm clock with too much force and now there was a gaping dent on the top of it. Oops.

I tossed my covers aside and got out of bed. I groggily walked to my closet and got some clothes. Then, I lugged my body to the bathroom. As I walked, I wiped the sleep out of my eyes. I went to the bathroom, brush my hair and teeth, and put my hair in a ponytail. Then I put on a pair of running shorts and a Boston Bruins hockey t-shirt on. I looked at myself in the mirror. No pressure, I'm only training one of the best packs in the US with their soon to be alpha. Nothing to worry about. "You can do this." I said looking at myself in the mirror. You better not mess up. Thanks for the confidence boost, Catherine. Hey, I'm just stating a simple fact. I walked out of the bathroom and into the kitchen to get myself a granola bar and a water bottle. It was 6:20 by the time I had finished eating my granola bar. I threw away the wrapper and headed out the door. Time to whip my boys into shape.

I walked onto the green field and took a deep breath. There's nothing like the fresh morning air. I walked back to my car and got out some weights, mats, stress bands, and first aid kits just in case the work out was too intense. I looked at my watch. 6:45. They should start coming by now.

As I waited I sat in the grass, relishing in the beauty around me. The brisk summer air, the trees, the foliage, and the sun shining through the clouds. I heard the sound cars and the soft padding of paws. Once the cars had parked and the people had shifted back, I got up from the ground and walked over to them.

There were about 60 people by the time it was 7:00. I saw my twins, Justin, Ben, Francis, Chase, and Jason. I stood in front of all the boys with my hands on my hips. One of the new boys pointed at me. "What is a girl doing here?" I saw Jason lock his jaw in response to the boy's comment. What is his problem so early in the morning? 

I stepped closer to the idiot boy. "I'm here to train you and I didn't get to have my morning coffee this morning because I have to train your asses, so show me some respect."

"A girl? Training warriors?" He started to laugh. "What a complete joke!"

"Shut your mouth Murphy. "Jason walk up next to me and turned to face the crowd. "Taylor and I will be training you in fighting techniques and different areas in battle. We will build your strength, agility, defense, and battle tactics."

What are you doing?!

I saw Jason jump a little bit.

How are you mind linking me? I'm not from your pack.

A secret, now answer my question.

I'm here to train the Warriors with you.

Ugh. Of course. I was so used to training my pack by myself that I momentarily forgot Jason was supposed to be training them too. Well, at least we get some time with Jaybae. Jaybae? Yes, that's his new nickname. Catherine, there's something wrong with you. I know. Good.

I looked back at Jason and then to the group. I cleared my throat. "Ok chumps, listen up. For warm-ups, you have 25 laps around the meadow."

"I'm not listening to her, she knows nothing about training an elite warrior." Murphy mumbled. My eyes zeroed in on his figure. I looked him over searching for a weak spot. "What was that Murphy?" I asked still staring him down.

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