Chapter 24: The Mall

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IM BACK! WOOOOOOOOOO! Does anyone miss me?? Nvm XD. Not edited. I just wanted to get something out to you guys. Sorry for the wait <3

Taylor's POV

"THERE'S A BALL?!" I had recently been filling Sam in on what had been happening over at the other packhouse.

"Yes, there's a ball." I said as I laid face down on my bed. Honestly, out of everything I told her she chooses to ask about a ball.

"When is it?"


"So tomorrow?"

I rolled my eyes. Sam is such a girl. "I know you just rolled your eyes at me Taylor." I sighed.

"Yes, it's tomorrow." Sam started jumping up and down on my bed. Each time her butt landed on the bed I felt my patience wavering.

"We're going to a ball! We're going to a ball!" Sam chanted as she bounced on my bed.

She stopped dancing and bouncing. Maybe she's done being weird for now. "I DON'T HAVE A DRESS!" I covered my ears as she screamed. She turned her head and looked at me. "I DON'T HAVE A DRESS FOR THE BALL!"

Sam started to panic about not having a dress situation while I got up and put some pants on.

"What are you doing Taylor? Tell me what you're wearing to the ball." I hadn't really thought of what I was wearing yet. "Um, jeans and a nice t-shirt." Sam's eyes narrowed.

"What did you just say?" Oh, you're going to get it now. Not helping Catherine. "N-nothing." 

Sam got up from the bed and stalked towards me. "You know what we're going to do today?" An evil smile made its way onto her face. I realized what she was talking about. 

"No, we are not. No way in hell am I going shopping. Especially when it's a mall." She frowned and then walked out of my room. "Fine." Wait, did she say fine?

I stood in my doorway dumbfounded. She's never fine with not going to the mall and she would never walk out unless..... "SAM DON'T YOU DARE MESS WITH MY BABY!!"

I took off sprinting towards the garage. I opened the door to find Sam with a bucket of pink paint in one hand and a brush in the other. She had a crazy look on her face when she looked from my car to me. 

"Sam. Think about what you're doing. This is irrational." Her hand slowly dipped the brush in the can. 

"You can stop this. All you have to do is say one word." She said with a sadistic smile plastered on her face. She brought the paintbrush closer and closer to my car. We just got her repainted! Stop her or I will! FINE! 

 "I WILL GO TO THE MALL WITH YOU IF YOU PUT THE BRUSH DOWN SAM!" I watched Sam looked at me. She slowly brought the weapon down and close the lid on the paint can.

I walked over to my car and hugged her. "I'm sorry Sammy threatened you. I'm here now." Then I stood up and leaned over her. "Don't you ever do that again." She didn't even flinch. Her cheeky smile never wavered. Now we have to go to the mall with her. We're never going to leave. Hey, you picked the mall over the car. I know both of our options sucked though.

"Well get your keys! It's time to shop!" I groaned. My keys were up in my room. I trudged to my room. I heard Sam yelling about how she's going to get a pretty dress with 8-inch heels. I don't even know how girls wear these heels. I'd rather use them as weapons. Of course, you would Catherine. I grabbed my keys, wallet, and phone.

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