Chapter 17: More Than a Warm-up

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Jason's POV

It was amazing to watch Taylor take Murphy down, but when his claws dug into Taylor's skin, I lost it. Kill kill kill kill kill kill kill. Gabe chanted in my head. Chase and Francis had to hold me back from ripping Murphy apart. The fact that he shifted and still lost to Taylor amazed me. She must be the real deal. Her strength is like nothing I've ever seen before. I watched Murphy limp back over to the group once Taylor was done with him. Everyone started to do their laps, but Murphy wasn't getting off that easily. I grabbed him by the collar and walked away from everyone. "So Murphy, care to explain yourself?" I crossed my arms across my chest and glared at him. "What? Girls don't fight. It's not their nature and for one to teach us how to fight, that another story." I grabbed his arm growling at him. " Touch her again, and you're dead." I had a lot more to say, but I felt Taylor's presence beside me. I felt her hand on my shoulder and I immediately relaxed.

"Hey, I can handle this." She said in her melodic voice. I looked back at the packs running around the meadow. "Fine. You can have him." I started to jog behind the last group. When I looked back at Murphy, I saw him gulp and nod. That's my girl. I smiled and kept jogging.

How could she take down Murphy in his wolf form? There's no possible way. Even if she did train every day, how could she possibly find the strength to fight a giant wolf, 3 times the size of her? "Hey." I turned my head a caught a glimpse of her beautiful brown hair flowing in the wind. I could smell the blood from her shoulder, but there didn't look like there was much. "How's your shoulder doing?" I peered at the wound through her neck opening. Your nasty Jason. Using any excuse to get a look won't ya. Oh shut up Gabe. How else am I supposed to know how bad her wound is? By ripping off that shirt and- I can't deal with his sexual premises today.

I looked over her once again. A cut like that should have taken a few hours to heal, but by her composure, she looked fine.

I thought back to my father's talk. Maybe her father is hiding something from us. Maybe he's drugging her and she doesn't know it. We jogged in silence most of the way. It felt great being near her. By the last 3 laps, I was dying. She gave me a weird look and quickened her pace. God damn, she's fit. She managed to start last and finish first. I tried my hardest to keep pace with her but my legs just could keep up with her. I felt utterly embarrassed. Beaten by my own mate. Well, hopefully, she can knock us all into shape. Maybe we can knock boots if you know what I mean. Gabe. There are no words to describe how disgusting you are. I know. I just want our mate as ours, that's all. You can keep your thoughts to yourself. But I am you. I mean don't tell me. I like making you uncomfortable though. I ignored him and finished my laps.

Once I had finished, I took a sip of my water and appreciated the cool flow of water down my parched throat. Then I heard Taylor clap her hands together. "Okay mutts! It's time to start training!" Justin stared at her like she had two heads. "That was just a warm-up?"

"That was nothing. If you thought that was hard, get ready for the workout of your life."

I walked up next to her and explained to the group what we had planned. "I will take half and Taylor will take the other half. We will work on different fighting techniques. I will be teaching how to fight when in human form and Taylor will be training you in wolf form. Are there any questions? " I looked around and no one raised a hand. "Good, let's get to work."

I cut the group in two and brought my group to one side of the meadow.

"When fighting a rogue what is the first thing you want to do?" Francis raised his hand. I nodded at him. "You want to see if there are any injuries or weaknesses." I shook my head. "You want to examine if they are intending to hurt you. Some are not always that far gone." Everyone nodded. "But Francis that's the next step so props to you for trying. I ordered everyone to do push-ups, crunches, burpees, and sprints. I determined the strength of each warrior and put them with a partner who was as good or better than them. I had them spar for a while, correcting them on their fighting stances and critiquing then on their choices of action.

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