Chapter 21: The Mutts' Message

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Jason's POV

I was playing basketball outside when I heard a howl coming from the woods. I had never heard a howl like that. I dropped the basketball and ran for the woods. It could be another rogue Jason. Be careful. Thanks for the warning Gabe. I rolled my eyes. I don't know why he doesn't think I can handle the situation.

I picked up on a beautiful smell coming from the direction I was running to, as soon as I was deep into the woods. It's Taylor! Go faster puny human! Shut up Gabe! I picked up my pace and could hear sticks and leaves crunching under my sneakers. I felt the wind flowing through my hair and against my face. I saw a wolf trot behind a tree. It was beautiful and massive for a wolf, I think it might even be bigger than me. I slowed down and walked towards a fallen wolf on the ground. It looked like it hit its head or something. I looked up and saw Taylor come out from the tree. Wow, that was Taylor's wolf? That was fast for a girl. They take forever. At least ours is fast at changing. I agreed with him. Maybe she's fast at undressing too. Stop being horny Gabe.

I jogged over to her. "Taylor!" I shouted. She looked at me and her face was filled with relief. She's happy to see us! I'm glad Gabe is happy seeing our mate. 

"What happened? I heard a howl and ran over here as fast as I could." She looked at the wolf on the ground. 

"I was playing with Sam over here and then there were two rogues showed up here out of nowhere. The other one ran and left his buddy with us." I walked around the wolf on the ground he was trying to crawl away from us but I wasn't going to let that happen. I punched it in the throat, like that woman from Identity Thief, and the rogue passed out. Well, at least we have a rogue for questioning.

"We can question him for answers once he's tied up." I said looking at Taylor. She looked beautiful as always. Her silky brown was flowing with the wind. Imagine what we could do with that hair when we ma- Really Gabe? Really? What? I have needs too.

I saw Taylor examining the rogue's body. She bent down and pointed at something on the rogue's body "What is that?" I asked. I walked over and picked fabric off the rogue. I instantly recognized it. Jess's shirt. Only she would a sparkly pink t-shirt. I'd know it anywhere. The rogues couldn't have her. This can't be happening. All I could do was stare at the torn cloth.

"Jason, Jason! What is it?" Taylor asked frantically. I held it up for her to look at. I heard her gasp. "There must have been a third rogue."

I sat there on the ground looking at the rogue. It was his fault my sister is gone. I'm going to get her back and that rogue is going to tell me where she is. "That rogue is coming with me. I don't know how he got on our lands without us knowing, but he's going to tell us why they took my sister." I threaded my hands through my hair. He is going to pay.

All of a sudden I heard bones cracking and looked at the rogue.

What the hell? I agreed with Gabe. Why is there a little boy on the ground?

I saw Taylor's face fill with confusion. "How is he just a boy? He's too young to be able to shift. This can't be possible!" I looked around the boy. It didn't look like anything was wrong with him. He looked fairly healthy, maybe a little malnourished but that was it. I took my t-shirt off and put it on the kid. Then I picked him up in my arms and looked over at Taylor who was staring at the pink fabric. I hated to see her with a frown on that beautiful face. 

"Taylor, we will get Jess back." I made that a promise to myself and to Jess. The rogues aren't getting away with this. I will get my sister back and track down every last rogue in this territory.

"Jason! What are you doing?!" Taylor snapped me out of my trance and I looked down. I was clutching the kid in my arms almost choking him. I quickly gave him over to Taylor. I would never intentionally hurt a kid, even if he was apart of a plan that got my sister taken by rogues. I just couldn't. I hope Taylor knows that. We started walking towards my packhouse. I rubbed the back of my neck with my hand. "Sorry, I was just thinking about things." I was an idiot, but why was Jess in the woods by herself. She knows better than to be out here with rogues running around.

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