Chapter 29- Rescue Time

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Jason's POV 

How could she just reject us like that? I mean come on! I punched my punching bag for the 100th time tonight. Sweat glistened on my body. I couldn't bear the fact that she rejected me. Me. Her mate. She's supposed to feel something! I punched the bag 15 more times. I steadied it and took a deep breath, preparing to go at it again.

Jason calm down. She doesn't know she's our mate yet. One day and she's ours. She'll realize that we're her other half. That she was destined for us. When that clock chimes tomorrow she will be ours forever. She'll be 18 and she'll recognize us as her mate and we'll live happily ever after.

I'd like it to believe that Gabe, but she'll be pissed at us for not telling her that we were her mate.

Boohoo. I don't care. As long as she knows she's ours, that's all that matters.

I looked back at my clock. 12:00. I fell in my bed and laid there. 24 more hours and she'll be mine. I thought as sleep made its way to me.


I woke up to the next morning to smell of bacon. "I wish I could wake up like this every day." I muttered to myself.

I got up and started picking out what to wear for the day. We would go on foot, so boots are the way to go. I picked out a t-shirt with camouflage on it and a sturdy pair of jeans. Once my shoes were tied, I brushed my teeth and looked for anything else I would need. A switchblade was resting on a table next to my bed. Would I need a blade? Are the rogues looking for a fight? What are they even hoping to gain with this?

I looked down at my hands. Then I closed my eyes and focused on my wolf. When I opened them and looked at my hand my nails had grown out to dangerous points. "Guess I don't need the switchblade after all."

When I walked downstairs into the kitchen, I saw Taylor filling up a bag with medical supplies and food, Justin drinking a bottle of water, Francis sitting next to Chase eating Frosted Flakes, and The Twins poking each other with chopsticks.

"Morning guys." A chorus of good mornings followed. "Today we are getting my sister back from the rogues. I know they said only 5 could go, meaning that two of you can't come with us. But, we have an exception to that rule. Charlie and Max, they don't know that you can morph into one huge wolf because of the fact that you're twins. If they see you, they'll think your one warrior. Francis, I know you found your mate so you're not going." Everyone stared at him. He gave me a 'screw you' look. 

"Who's the lucky girl?" Chase asked. 

"Chase focus. The rest of us are going on foot. Their camp is about an 8-hour walk away. It may only be 100 miles but the terrain we have to face to get there is tough. Right now it's 3:00 pm. Dad let all of us sleep in for once, I guess we needed it. It looks like we're all ready, so who's ready to kick some rogue butt?"

We said our goodbyes and headed out. All of us had water and granola bars. The heat was getting to all of us. We climbed over 2 mountains, jumped from rock to rock over a river with Rapids, and crawled under numerous thorn bushes. As I got up, I looked at my watch. 8:00 pm.

We still had 45 miles of who's knows what to trek. When we were 5 miles away, I felt the shift in power. We had reached their border. We knew the plan. There was an underground entrance where we saw 3 guards standing.

I mind linked everyone. Do not kill them. Just knock them out. We need their clothes to get in.

Everyone nodded. We easily took the three down. The twins snuck up behind the guards and hit a pressure point on each of their necks. They dropped like flies. Quickly Justin, Taylor, and I put on the uniforms. The uniform was too big for Taylor and Justin so they had to roll up their sleeves in order to make it look more fitted. Taylor looks hot in a uniform. Not the time Gabe. There's always time to check out hot chicks. I ignored him and signaled for Charlie and Max to tie the guards upside down on a tree and follow us in. After the guards were secure, we walked into the underground compound. The compound was huge. We passed a couple of guards who nodded to us. As we got further into the facility, we were stopped by 2 security guards at a checkpoint.

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