Chapter 13- More Surprises

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Recap: Then I saw Sam skip into the room. Oh great, here we go. "Come on!" she said prancing towards me. "We have a date to get ready for." 

Taylor's POV

I rolled my eyes and got off the couch. "It's not a date."

I walked up upstairs to go change and Sam was right behind me. She sleeps in my room whenever she wants because her parents don't really care, as long as she's safe and not doing anything illegal.

When I got to my room, we both changed into our pj's and brushed our teeth. I jumped on my bed and scrolled through my tweets. Sam walked into the room and sat next to me. For the rest of the night, we talked and gossiped about friends, foes, and most importantly, boys.

"So, this Jason boy. Is he cute?"

"He's okay."

"C'mon, I need more than "okay". Give me some more to work with."

"Fine." I thought about my run-in with him at his packhouse. "He smirks a lot, is very athletic, and is an arrogant and overconfident guy."

"Well, I guess he got on your nerves today."

"You can say that. He probably sleeps with any girl who asks for it."

"I hope that he's not like that. You know, 'cause you're going to be married to him."

"Ugh, don't remind me."

"Well, you're free until you turn 18 at least. Make the best of these last couple weeks."

"I can't do that. I have to train people on tomorrow morning and throughout the rest of the week." I groaned. Why did I even agree to meet with them?"

"Because you're a nice person and we should get to know some of the new members that will be joining the pack. You never know, maybe you'll meet your mate and the marriage will be canceled."

"Maybe." I mumbled.

I leaned back and landed softly on the covers of my bed with my arms in the back of my head.

Why me? Why do I have to marry such an asshole? I'd rather find my mate than marry this sorry excuse of a boy.

"Lights off?"

"Lights off." I said with a yawn.

I woke up the next morning for training. I lugged myself out of bed and went to the bathroom. Once I was done, I brushed my hair and teeth. It wasn't anything special. The boys never shut up and barely listened to me. Most of them tried to impress me with how good they were at running and fighting, but they didn't. I ended up ending the session early because I could not deal with their complaints another minute. 

When I got back to the packhouse I looked at my clock. 9 am. My stomach grumbled. Where the hell is Sam?  I tried to think of places Sam could have gone this early in the morning. She never has the motivation to wake up early. I walked to the kitchen in my sweaty workout clothes.

"What's for breakfast?" Ben was standing in the doorway in a sweaty t-shirt.

"I don't know." I grabbed the Frosted Flakes and milk before he could even think of taking it.

"Fine. I'll have the Cocoa Puffs." He grabbed his box of cereal and sat down next to me.

By the time we had almost finished our bowls of cereal, we were laughing and singing in the kitchen. "I'm in love with the coca!" Ben and I started dancing the Ish Money dance. Without me even noticing, the twins had joined us.

Once the song ended Max spoke up. "Taylor, you have to get ready for the meetup and find Sam. Charlie, Ben, and I are leaving at 12:30. We'll meet you girls at Taco Bell."

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