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    Dessiah sat in the downstairs cafeteria and tried to clear her head as best she could. She was settled and the magnitude of what she did hadn’t fully sunk in yet. Paris Walked towards her with caution unable to decipher her mindset. Some people need time to fully calm down before being spoken to but Paris would take her chances. Pulling out the chair she sat at the high table.

 “Hi.” Paris said faintly smiling.


 “Are you okay?”

 “Yes, I think I am.” They both sat quietly for a moment then Paris spoke.

 “He’s not a bad guy you know?” Dessiah looked at Paris as if she couldn’t believe what she was saying. Although he had been so kind when they first met almost two years ago. He was anything but, since Japan.

 “Look I know he has been crazy disrespectful but trust me he’s not a bad person. Did I ever tell you how I came to work for him?”


 “When I first started working for the company I worked for this guy named Isaiah Chiles. Older Italian guy and complete creep. He would make little passes at me but I would just ignore them, I mean hey corporate America everyone sleeps with everyone. I thought maybe he thought I was the same, so I constantly declined thinking he would get the point. Soon he stopped and I was relieved a full month without little sexual innuendos. Then one night we were working late and he called me into his office. Told me handed me some files to put in the cabinet. I found it odd since it was a few feet from his desk, but I did what I was told. Next thing I know he was standing behind me and when I turned around he got closer. I could feel his breath on my face. He had this smile, it was a sick smile, perverse even. Like his intentions wore written on his face. “ Paris stared in the distance as if she were seeing the memory play out in in her eyes. Her voice lowered and became filled with emotion. “I tried to move away from him, then he grabbed me. I tried to pull away and he threw everything off his desk and threw me on top. Before I knew it my dress was over my face and I fought with everything I had. I kept hitting him and screaming but it seemed like it wasn’t working because he was so strong. I just couldn’t give up.” Slowly Paris’s tear filled eyes could not contain the emotion and pain of that night. One by one tears fell from her eyes. “I’ve never been so scared in my life Dessiah. I kept telling myself to fight, don’t stop fighting, he can’t win. But he was so strong and my screams were being muffled by his hand so I bit him. He slapped me so hard I started to see stars and slowly gave up and right when he thought he won, when I thought he won, he was knocked to the floor. Detrick came in the office and gave him one hell of a beating. His fists were covered in blood and Isiah wasn’t moving but he moaned in pain that was the only indication we had that he was alive. He called the police and took me to the hospital. Detrick stayed with me the entire night even after I was released he stayed with me in my apartment that night. I cried in his arms and he said nothing but just held me. I kept waking up fighting in my sleep. He left the next day and when I finally returned back to work all my things had been moved and I was his assistant. He saved my life. If it weren't for Detrick that man would have raped me.” Paris wiped her face and tried to pull herself together.

 “Wow. What happened to the guy?” Dessiah asked.

 “Detrick fired him and I pressed charges. I believe he was released from Jail a few months ago. So like I said Detrick maybe a lot of things, but a bad person he is not.” Dessiah stared at Paris unsure if it would be inappropriate to ask her next question. Apart of her felt it shouldn’t matter, but she just needed to know. Her face must have displayed her thoughts because Paris answered.

 “No, Detrick and I never had anything going on. Matter of fact after that incident he became distant for a while. He has his moments and tantrums but he’s a good person. Now you done cursed the man all the way out. Hahaha.”

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