"I cant Believe I'm Here" (Official Chapter)

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Alec in the picture

"Dessiah can you come out so that I can talk to you?"

"No! I don't want to hear anything you have to say Detrick. Leave me alone." Dessiah walked out of the stall towards the sink.

"Dessiah you have to let me speak! I wasn't throwing what I did for you in the past in your face or as a way to place ownership over you. What I was saying was from that day you remained on my mind and in my heart. I always wondered what happened to you through the years and beat myself up that I didn't do more that day. When I saw you and learned your situation, I wanted nothing more than to take your pain away. When God put you back in my life I knew that it's my duty to protect you. Well once I stopped being a dick. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings but I'm not trying to control you I'm protecting you."

"Protecting me from what?!" Dessiah yelled.

"From LOSING ME!" He yelled. Dessiah backed away from the sink and walked closer into his face.

"What do you think of yourself Detrick? YOU THINK YOU'RE SOME GOTDAMN PRIZE?" He grabbed her by her shoulders staring intently in her eyes.

"No! I'm the only man that can love you the way you need to be loved and treated the way you deserve to be treated. If you took the time to get your head out of your ass and stop trying to control the pace of everything you would see that!" His tone was solid and firm as if the words he said were an unshakable mountain that he stood on and refused to be moved from.

"Detrick I'm not trying to control anything I just don't want to be controlled! My ex did the same thing-.."

"I'm not him!" Detrick interjected.

"I've had women lie to me and cheat before but I'm not saying that's you. You should have never gone out with Shandon!"

"But-.." Dessiah tried to explain.

"No but's! You should not have gone with him because it send the wrong message. Deep down I believe you knew that because you are far from naïve and gullible. If we are going to be together then there needs to be consistency. Consistent honesty, Patience, and respect. You cannot shut down when I say something you don't like or don't want to hear."

"Fine. Can I speak now?" She asked.


"You cannot send every man who shows some interest in me away because it makes you insecure. You have to learn to trust me. I know it won't be overnight but you have to try."

"I sent that dude at the restaurant away because it would have been a waste of time for you when you're meant to be mine. And Shandon... well the obvious reason. A man like him may be shut down once but at some point they'll come back and try again."

"You're just so sure about everything?"

"Only when it comes to you Siah. I care about you and that's not going to change. I may go overboard but that's just me." His voiced simmered in softness."Work on that."

"I'll think about it." Detrick smiled and pulled Dessiah to his lips before she could protest. After a few moments he went out the restroom first because she didn't want anyone getting any ideas about what they were doing. Dessiah made up in her mind he would definitely take some time to get used to but he was worth it.

Knock, Knock, knock.

"Just a minute!"

Bang Bang Bang!

"I said I'm coming!" Paris yelled snatching the door open. A bouquet of pink Polyanthas held directly in front of Alec's face. Moving them down from his face revealed a wide smile dressed casually in sweats and his college Georgia Tech sweatshirt.

"Hey baby." He greeted cheerfully.

"Alec didn't you hear me say I was coming?" Paris asked annoyed.

"Yes. But that took too long so I wanted you to...come... faster." Paris giggled at his innuendo. She pecked his lips and pulled him into her apartment.

"Come in I'm almost ready." Paris was still packing her suitcase. She took the flowers from him and placed them in a vase.

"Paris didn't I tell you to be ready before I came? " Alec said looking at the open suitcase.

"Sweetheart I am almost ready. I just have a few outfits and then pack my snacks."

"Snacks? Where do you think we're going? The outback!"

"I have no idea where we're going because somebody won't tell me. One thing I do know is that wherever we are going you definitely don't want me to go hungry." She looked at him with a knowing smile.

"Fine but all this other stud isn't necessary P let's go!" Alec grabbed the suitcase piled everything out of it inside and zipped it up.

"Alec my stuff is gonna get wrinkled. I wouldn't do you like that."

"Your right you wouldn't because you wouldn't have to since I know how to be on time." He retorted.

"So what are you trying to say?"

"I just said it." Alec walked to the door with her luggage."

"I'm on time..."

"Paris, sweetheart, darling, my love I am not going to argue with you when I have a special weekend planned. I have your bags and I'll buy you snacks on the way now can we please go?" He asked endearingly.

"Yes as soon as you apologize for saying I'm never on time!" She challenged.

"Fine. I apologize that you have trouble coming to terms with the fact that you are late. Not all the time but 97.89% of the time. Now can we go?"

"That's not an apology Alec. Don't play Alec-.."

"Okay that's it Paris lets go." Je picked her up over his shoulder with luggage in tow closed the door behind him that didn't need a key but was by code and headed to the elevator.

"Alec put me down!" Paris screamed dangling over his shoulder.

"Paris stop acting like you don't like it." He said hitting her bottom which made her squeal with laughter. Once in the elevator he put her down and something about the whole thing was arousing. If Paris wasn't celibate she would have him in the small four walls that confined them. Wherever they were headed was bound to be an adventure for two lovers to bask in the love that is over them.

12 Hours and 36 minutes Later...

"I can't believe I'm HERE! I'm really here! Alec I just... Baby thank you so much! Paris is in Paris. Daddy look at me now."

"I know it was your dream P." Paris was in a daze once they arrived to check in for their flight and be advised she had a first class trip to Paris France. A surprise vacation before he is fully discharged from the military. The brisk air hit her face and it was a feeling that was welcomed because at the end of the day it wasn't air, it was Paris!


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