Lazy Day

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Chapter XVII *Edited*

Niall's POV

"Niall wake up we leave in an hour to meet up with the other guys!" I heard Paul say from the other side of the door. I looked over at Megan and I really didn't want to wake her up so I got up and headed towards the shower. 

Megan's POV

I woke up to the sound of water running I decided to just lay down until Niall came back out. I had a plan that I knew would work out. After about 10 more minutes I heard the shower turn off and rustling around. Once I heard him walk into the room I closed my eyes until I was sure he wasn't looking at me. I opened my eyes and just as I hoped he was standing in a towel I figured that was gonna happen anyways. "Well it looks like we're even now." He turned around in shock, "Megan seriously have you been up this whole time."

"Yes, yes I have. But were even now since we both saw each other in a towel." He was still in shock stand there, "I could've been naked." "Well it would've been my lucky day." I said getting up from the bed. Reaching behind him giving him a kiss and heading towards the bathroom with my clothes. Yay it worked oh this is gonna be interesting.


"Then he was just standing there like he didn't know what to do next." I say talking to the guys as they are all sitting on the couch inside the tour bus. They all started laughing, "Well good job Megan you made our Niall silent." Louis said to me we all started laughing that was when Niall walked in. "What are you guys laughing at?" "Nothing." Louis said all of us stopped laughing Niall just gave us a look. He sat down next me and put his arm around my shoulder. 

"So what are we guys gonna be doing today?" "Well we have a lazy day so whatever you want to do?" Liam told us. "So what do you want to do today babe?" Niall asked me "Can we just hang out and watch movies today?" "Yeah it sounds perfect then we can go out to supper later." "Great. Well which movie do you want to watch first?" "Well he have all the Harry Potters, Grease which is Louis' choice then we have a lot of disney movies." I looked through the movies and I saw the best movie ever. "Oh we should watch Lady and The Tramp."

"Whatever you want to watch. I'll be right back okay?" I just nodded my head and he kissed me. Niall came back with popcorn and candy today is gonna be a great lazy day. 


"You ready to go Megan?" Niall and I decided to go to Taco Bell and eat all the other boys are out doing whatever. "Yeah." I walk out seeing him standing next to the door he kept staring at me. "What are you looking at?" "Nothing just wondering how I got someone so beautiful as you." I just blush and we walk out to the van that Paul has for us. We got in there ordered our food begging Niall to let me pay then him not letting me. We sat down in one of the booths there's rarely anyone ever in Taco Bell so only a few people came up to Niall and I.

After we got done eating we decided to go for a walk he were holding hands and doing the thing every couple does. I mean we're not gonna hide anything there's no point and Niall already said someone will take a picture. It's not like care about it I mean what's wrong with that of course I'm gonna get hate sooner or later but I really don't care. I'll have Niall there for me when I need him and vice versa. "So how many years of collage do you have left?" "One more year and I'll be completely done with school forever." "What did you major in?" "Nursing. I mean I wanted to save lives and it's a lot easier that way." "Oh really? That's cool." "Yup." We walk for a little while more I was starting to get tired. "You want to go back to the bus now?" "Yeah that'd be good."

Once we got back so was Louis and Liam, "So Megan can you stay for one more concert?" "Yeah I can stay until Wednesday of next week." "Okay good. I was wondering when tour is over if you wanted to come to Ireland with me and meet my family." Niall asked me with I smile on his face. "I would love to Niall." "Yeah and it would be good because our 4 month anniversary is around that time and I want to do something for you." "You know you really don't have to do that." 

"I know but I want to."

..................The Next Day...................

Megan's POV

"You know what I think we should do baby?" "What handsome?" I said know that would make him blush and my I add, it did. "We should do a twit cam..... together." "Really are you sure?" "Yeah I don't see why not I mean everyone needs to find out sooner and later and I'd rather it be from us than someone else." "Well I'd love to when do you want to do it?" "Let's go get lunch and we'll talk about while we're out."


"So I put on twitter that I'm going to do a twit cam and that I have a special surprise." I'm honestly kind of nervous to do this because I don't will happen but I'm pretty sure every things going to be alright. 


"Okay you ready to start?" I just nodded my head not wanting to say anything. Niall was laying on the bed and he turned on the webcam on his laptop. "Hey guys Niall here, yes it's just me because I have a major surprise." He said with a huge smile on his face he waved his arm for me to come into screen. Before he said anything the comments were going off, OMG is this really happening, Is this what I think it is, and other stuff like that. "So guys I see that you have an idea about what's happening, So let me answer your question. Yes this is my girlfriend Megan Martinez we've been dating for about a month."


The twit cam was finally over it was already dark outside I didn't realize how long it took for that. I had fun having a way to communicate to the fans. It feels like Niall and I are officially official we can actually be a couple out in public now. Of course we could've done it now but we knew that if we did there would be pictures and it would be a lot difficult to explain and there would be shit about it. For the fans that didn't get to see the twit cam or been to one of the three concerts where they heard about me he took a picture of both of us and put it on Twitter that said Me and my new girlfriend. 1 Month xx. then put my twitter handle in it.

All the guys were back and they were all watching a movie it was already 9:00 so we decided to watch it with them. Niall and I were sitting on the couch by ourselves with him laying with his back on the arm of the couch and be lying between his legs. It was surprisingly comfortable, so comfortable that I fell asleep.

I woke up to Niall tapping me on the shoulder, "Wake Up Baby." he said kissing me on my forehead. I slowly got up because I was really tired, "You ready to go to bed gorgeous?" I just nodded my head I was about to start walking when he picked me up I wrapped my legs around his waist and put my head on his shoulder. This was also surprisingly comfortable I heard the boys say good night I just waved my hand. 

There was a room in the back so we could both sleep the boys were actually staying in a different bus than us just so we can have more room. I told them they didn't have to but the insisted. He laid me down and pulled the covers over me and kissed my lips, "I'm gonna be in there with the boys for a little while longer." I just nodded my head and he left. I fell right asleep. 

A/N So I've had a pretty good weekend for Valentine's day I got the LiveSos album, and the Where We Are movie that came out. Still excited! I'm also sorry for not updating lately I've just been busy with school work and such so I haven't had time to do much. So I hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day. Bye!

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