23| Mom Midnight

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Since the attacks on UA, the teachers have been ordered to patrol in the halls in case anything happens during the night, or after school. They had a verbal schedule and everything but it was never written down, in case Shigaraki tries to steal it. They couldn't risk that.

So, late in the afternoon, about 1 hour after class was finished, Midnight or Nemuri Kayama was doing her rounds. She has long since dropped her flirty personality, having been completely tired out from the lessons today. All the wished was to just fall into bed and nap. God, is this what Shouta felt like all the time?

As she rounded the corner to the Hero classes 1-A and 1-B when she suddenly heard heavy breathing coming from one of the classrooms. Upon further investigation, she found that it came from 1-A specifically.

No wonder Shouta called them problem children.

Quickly making her way into the classroom, she all but froze at the sight in front of her.

Sitting at his desk, hands painfully gripping the sides of his chair, was Izuku Midoriya. Suffering a horribly strong panic attack. The second she realised that Nemuri rushed to the small boy and activated her quirk somewhat, to make him calm down.

As soon as her quirk started taking effect, she stopped it in order to not make the kid fall asleep completely. Midoriya slumped sideways in his seat, right into Nemuri's waiting arms. She began to stroke his head and push his hair out of the way to calm him down even more.

(She didn't think about how motherly the gesture was and how Izuku instantly relaxed at it, leaning into it as if it was the first time someone has done that-)

Nemuri didn't know how long it took for Midoriya to calm down, but it felt like forever. In the end, the tears dried and Izuku finally became more aware of his surroundings. Specifically the fact that it was Midnight who found him. Oh god, he is going to be in so much trouble-

"Hey, hey Midoriya-", a violent flinch came form the boy, "- Izuku. Hey, Izuku it's okay, you're not in trouble, I'm not mad, don't worry", the female heroine reassured the anxious teen, taking note of the flinch at the use of his last name.

Izuku looked up to her suspiciously and wary. It hurt to get such a look from such a sweet boy, but Nemuri hid it well.

"A-are - are you - are you su- sure?", Izuku hated that stutter. He wanted to just go to his room and cry. God, why can't he do anything right for once in his pathetic life?

"Yes, I'm sure Izuku. Nobody would ever punish you from having a panic attack.", Nemuri assured the small boy. Her heart ached.

"Didn't stop other teachers from doing it tho-", Izuku cut himself off instantly. Curse that mumbling habit of his. Nemuri's eyes widened, anger flared in her chest. Other teachers have punished him for having a panic attack?

The moment she finds out who did it - and she will no doubt - they will have hell to pay for what they did to her the kid.

"Izuku, who did this to you? What happened?", she inquired. The greenette just shook his head.

"I- I- I- I d- don't kn- know wha- what you're talk- talking ab- about.", that was a weak attempt and both individuals knew it. Izuku cursed himself again for not being careful enough, for letting something stupid as a small comment get to him-

"Hey, hey Izuku. Calm down, breathe with me, okay? In... and out... yeah that's it, well done!"

"S- So- Sorry-", Izuku tried to apologize, but Nemuri cut him off.

"There is nothing to be sorry for, kid, okay? Nothing at all.", she tapped him lightly on the shoulder with each word in the last sentence to make her point even more clear. Izuku relaxed again.

UA, and it's Teachers bashing and Bakugou getting what he deservedWhere stories live. Discover now